United 93
A Short Review of United 93
A Short Review of United 93
Recently, Neil had a big 'final moment' scare with an aneurism, so I must be sensitive.
Dana Priest,
Since you won a prize for spreading a false story about my government, not checking the facts or the one who told you the lie, and caused riots and bloodshed in
Apologize now, and you'll not regret it later.
You too can email Dana PriestI keep thinking about the illegal immigration problem in
Well, I have the answer, but I am a stupid truck driver, who would ever listen to me?
I purpose that
Recently rock masonry has taken on a whole new look. Around these parts of
We would need to revoke all citizenship granted to the sons and daughters of illegal aliens, and let the chips fall where they will. Oh how cruel you say, Pardon me, it is not right to give citizenship to anyone solely upon the fact that they were born here. Born of legal citizens, and that’s that. Illegal parents who have babies here, have illegal babies in my mind. Yes those innocent, beautiful and fragile babies will tug at your heart stings, but they don’t deserve blanket citizenship.
But, they must be allowed to stay in
My plan lets the whole family stay, but they have to live on the money the worker makes.
They would have medical insurance as long as the worker stayed at work. There would not have to be many rules about tardiness, or absenteeism because the Mexican illegals I see working, are always on time, work hard and don’t call in sick twice a month. I am more attuned to the illegal workers in my country, than the lazy union brothers who were born here, and now loaf here. OK, I know I’m talking in generalities but I see what I see, and it has to be reality, for it is there in front of my eyes. This illegal alien problem could be a thing of the past, and we would have millions of hard working brothers and sisters from the south as citizens who have proved that they should be citizens.
Oh but think of the cost, you say. I doubt it would cost any more than what it is costing us now, and we will have a wall on our borders. Even the limousine liberals know about walls and fences…..they surround their palaces with walls or fences, and won’t let illegal fence or wall jumpers live in their backyard. Hypocrites don’t have an answer to the question we are worried about, but I do.
This could become the ninth wonder of the world.
Mexicans are some of the best workers in the world, but they haven’t had a country to work in.
About 4 years ago, I thought of a plan to help pay the costs of the war on terror, a plan that would have worked, and sent it in letter form to one of my States Senators, John Brownback. The elite of this nation won’t listen to a peasant, and I guarantee you that the plan would have worked. But Brownback didn’t present my plan, because I made sure he could not steal the plan and claim it for himself…….the plan is mine forever, and perhaps we should have a little unveiling of a 4 year old plan of mine, that the Honorable (snicker, laugh) Brownback of Kansas ignored.
I would love to have an unsealing of the registered letters I have of that plan, sent
Back to me from the office of Brownback, still unopened, but I know what is in that letter, and so does Brownback, but, I am not worthy of suggesting a solution to a world problem to a high and mighty Senator. I know what is in that letter.
Brownback will be running as a conservative for the presidency, and he has a lot of the same moral standings as webloafer, but he is a pompous arrogant Senator.
So it goes, the arrogant get the plum political jobs, and the rest of us peasants get to pay the taxes.
About a year ago many Reagan republicans started questioning the man that we elected as president, (it was the Reagan republicans that won the election for George Walker Bush), and we are still questioning many of his actions. The words he speaks; for the most part sound good; but it is what he does, or allows to happen that we wonder about.
WE were not questioning his desire to protect
We were not questioning his love for EVERYONE in the USofA, EVERYONE. Black, white, brown, yellow, purple or chartreuse.
But we questioned his ability to withstand the torrent of criticism and outright hatred being propagated against him on a daily basis. And, we want him to start fighting for our values again, not just take punch after punch in the name of civility in Washington D.C. There is a time to fight back, and he hasn't. His poll numbers are down, not because millions have decided to side with the hatemongers called liberals. The ones who are losing faith in him, are doing so because he won't fight domestic foes. I consider the way liberals are acting today to be treasonous; they are the enemy of America I know and love. If President Bush would tell it like it is, his poll numbers would return to past levels.
There probably isn't a human being strong enough to have stood up to the hatred that has been directed at George Walker Bush in the last 5 years. Media,
Want to know where Reagan Republicans stand today?
We are at war, and we have a commander in chief that deserves our prayers, not our venom, Deserves our help not our disdain.
It is time for a gutcheck mr or mrs liberal, Do you hate our president so much that you cannot see how you are helping our enemies. There is blood on your progressive hands.
You don't know me from Adam, and you probably won't believe me, but;
If John Kerry had been our president on
No use speculating on where he would have stationed our troops, (that is all the Iraq war is, the stronghold we need in the region.) but I have read enough history to know we had to take a forward base, for the next battles.
For all we know, John Kerry may have stationed our troops in
Colossians 1:15-17
15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:
16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.
Yes, John F. Kerry, would have done the best job he could do as commander in chief, and I would have supported him and the troops he led.
I don't think I would want to be elected president in 2008. But Hillary wants the job, and it is hers as I see things. The liberal
Hillary will win in 2008, but think about how the water is poisoned.
Thanks Cindy Sheetham, Howard Dean and Ted (hic) Kennedy, you can have the presidency, house and senate for all I care.
And believe me, I will put my life on cruise when Hillary takes over. No help from me, just make sure my Social Security Check arrives on time, with the yearly adjustments for inflation. But I will support the troops.
I wonder what it would feel like to be a grunt knowing that the Commander-in-Chief (Hillary R.) has said over and over and over again, that she loathes the military. Hmmmmm