Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

Here is a reprint of last years Thanksgiving Blog Article,
It still rings true today.


Now I don’t expect the Bush Haters, America Bashing, God Hating and foaming at the mouth liberals to understand what I just shared. That’s their problem, not mine.

I ignore them, simply because they have done nothing for America lately, so they don’t need to be thanked. They stab our president in the back, and undermine the efforts our nations warriors are making. YOU KNOW, OUR WARRIORS? AS IN THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF AMERICA WHO ARE PUTTING THEIR VERY LIFES ON THE LINE FOR AMERICA. THEY ARE RISKING ALL, FOR US, THE CITIZENS OF THIS GREAT NATION, DOING ALL OF THIS TO PROTECT US FROM TERRORISM.


It is no accident that we have been spared more attacks upon our kind nation. It has happened because we decided to fight instead of ignoring our enemies. No they won't go away if we ignore them, they become emboldened when we don't fight. President Reagan, (even in his diminishing state of mind) , could have done better than George the Elder, or the two Clintons in fighting terrorism. But we must play the cards we have been dealt.

If we are spared from more world wide terror on our own soil, it won't be the politicians, lobbyist or judges in Washington D.C. who have protected us………..IT IS THE WARRIORS OF AMERICA, RISKING THEIR LIVES, SO THAT I CAN SIT IN COMFORT AND BLOG AWAY.


Again this is a conditional thanks I'm giving. If you are one of our nations enemies abroad, I wish you only a swift death at our warriors hands. Thanks for watching out for us wonderful warriors.
To those enemies of America, living in this land of plenty. The wide-awake patriots are watching you. We will not let you harm our country or spit upon our returning heroes. That is a promise. I know you wish this whole Fight for Iraq's freedom would turn into a VietNam, It won't, we won't let our heroes be besmearched. No thanks to you today.

To everyone who loves America, and knows why America is blessed, I wish you a Happy and safe Thanksgiving.

I now repost a blog of from the past, about giving thanks.

Who Do We Thank?
Reposted, originally blogged at Sanity’s Bluff, May 8,2005

Like me, I am sure most of you had an uncle, or even your father who said something like this. “Why when I was a youngster, I walked five miles through the snow to school each winter day.”I chuckle a little because now I know the perfect thing to say when you hear something like that.
“But, Uncle Dave, do you think your parents would have made you take that 5 mile trek each day, if they had a 300 hp four wheel drive sport utility vehicle sitting in the driveway?
”Each generation has a tendency to view the next generation as inferior in many ways. I guess this is human nature. Yes, you know I am telling the truth about this. Having said all of this, I want to talk about the upcoming generations, the leaders of tomorrow. And it isn’t pretty.
The youth of today are in trouble. It has nothing to do with laziness, ignorance or political views.It has all to do with politeness, and more specifically the age old practice of thanking someone else when they do something for you.
Most of the young people today, never say thanks. I have witnessed many occasions when a young person should have given thanks, but did not. It has puzzled me so much and I have thought about it a lot. I’ll give you two recent events in my life to bring this point out. I took my daughter and one of her friends to a big concert a few weeks back. I bought the tickets, they cost $80 each and as I handed one of the tickets to the friend of my daughter, I expected a thank-you. But no words of thanks were given.
Here is another event of thanklessness. Not too long ago, after church I invited several people out with my family to a very nice restaurant, and paid the entire bill. The older couple I had invited, each thanked me in a sincere. friendly way for asking them to dinner. The friend of my daughter, that I asked to eat with us, gave no thanks, none whatsoever, even though she heard the older couple thanking me.I didn’t invite these people to dinner just to get thanked and boost my ego. I wanted to do it. It just rubbed me the wrong way.
I have noticed young clerks taking my money at the cash register, and not thanking me. This irks me, maybe I am oversensitive about all of this, but I don’t think so. Politeness is rare amongst our young people. Now, let me be clear about this…….I am a thankful person, so my daughter is also a thankful young lady. My parents made certain that I knew, politeness is not optional, it is to be practiced. Amazingly, I learned that politeness is rather enjoyable, and I hope my daughter realizes this also.When I notice my daughter being polite, let me tell you, I am as happy as a mortal can be. But my daughter is the exception today and not the rule.
I have thought hard and long about this situation, and want to share with you some of my reasoning…… to why kids will not use that word, THANKS.
If we correctly diagnose the problem, we may be able to do something to once again have polite and thankful children growing up amongst us.
Here are a few observations.
Society today, and our schools in paticular, have failed our children. They have taken all of the things that make a person good and decent, and outlawed them. They have outlawed even the mention of God in public school. Even saying prayer at lunchtime is forbidden. God cannot be petitioned to protect the participants of sporting events at our schools. Valedictorians are not allowed to thank God, in the speeches they give.
If God is taken out of the human’s psyche, there is no reason to thank anyone for anything.
Imagine a world that has no God.
Yes we are almost there, but not quite.
The sun peeking up over the snowcapped mountains turns the dew on the roses in your garden to miniature rainbows, and as you walk among the lovely roses, you enjoy the sight.What if you didn’t know who to thank?
What if the doctor handed you your healthy newborn baby girl, and you held her close to your bosom and wanted to thank someone, but there was no one to thank?
What if a miracle happened and your spouse, against all odds, beat a cancer that the doctors said would surely kill them? But there was no one to thank.
What if you are strolling on a cloudless spring night, and you turn your eyes toward the skies, and notice millions of stars gleaming in the sky, but you haven’t a clue as to who to thank for the magnificent sight?
I don’t care how advanced a society is, a society that had no one to thank, would be a miserable place to live. And here we get to the real reason I share all of this. Teenage suicides are not rare anymore; it is just a sad fact of our day and age. Teenage, killers are numerous, like never before. In my own life, three members of my close family have been murdered by teenagers. Six years ago, two 14 year old boys, murdered my mother-in-law, and father-in-law in cold blood, in their home. Another teenager killed my younger brother twenty years ago. It would be easy to be like a turtle or clam, and clam up, hunkering down, and let it all play out. But that isn’t me.Something, my friends, has caused all of this havoc and mayhem we see today amongst our young people. I sincerely want to help the young people, and have come to some conclusions.
All young people need someone to thank.
Don’t kid yourself, young people want guidance, help, rules and someone to thank for the good feelings they have inside.

Here is the blame………..I give it freely and know I am right.

Our children are taught evolution in school. Not as theory, but as fact. The teachers tell our children, There is no creator of this lovely universe. It just sort of happened. So there is no one to thank. You can’t thank a big bang happening in a black hole, billions of years ago, for the marvelous things of life?The past is not important then. It just happened. No one is to be thanked, or praised.So, there is nothing to gain by looking back in time.
What about time today?
Everything good is ignored by the media today, and we are bombarded 24/7 with the glorification of things like this. Child molesters being worshipped because they can sing and dance. Sports heroes are glorified even after they beat their wives, and are not punished. They can take illegal drugs, and still be glorified. Porn stars can talk at our schools, but not religious figures. Gay activist can insist that their books are in the libraries of our schools, but religious books are banned.
If we send armies to free people in slavery, they are called killers, and the mass murderers are treated better today than those few still trying to help the people of the world.
Life is worthless, because we can snuff it out like a cigarette, up until actual childbirth.
Yes, abortion is one of the many things cheapening life, and promoting death. Remember the days when a woman was said to “be with child?” What a beautiful thought, a woman with child. Childbirth. All of this has been replaced today with death.
Our young girls are told……if you don’t want the pregnancy, (if you don’t want the living child in your body) no problem…….and they are told, Your parents don’t need to know. Yes, we have cheapened life. Today life is cheap.
Recently we witnessed the starving of an handicapped woman in Florida.
Life is cheap.
So you can see, there really isn’t anything to be thankful for concerning life today. Death is worshipped. Life is cheap.
You don’t have to thank death, it takes care of it’s own.
What about the future? It is all bleak say the newspaper and TV people. Global warming will kill us all. Yeah sure, forty years ago I remember being warned by the fear mongers, about the ice age that was sure to happen, and kill us all, if we didn't..
Yes, to all of my young readers, forty years ago, wacko scientist were writing articles about the ice age that was coming and that we were doomed. The constant ridiculous scenarios conjured up by the naysayers, about the future, give us nothing to be thankful about.
So our wonderful children are growing up with the past accidental,
today insignificant
and tomorrow endangered.
There is nothing to be thankful about. I am glad I was a child back in the days when there was something to be thankful about.I was, and still am, thankful that my creator made this marvelous universe, and I can be thankful, and enjoy it.
I realize that my creator has given me life as I live it today, and I am thankful, very thankful that I am, ALIVE
Not only that, I know the future is marvelous, to those who thank the creator……..So let me go out on a limb and say this, Thank you God. I’m praying for our young people. Join me.

Monday, November 20, 2006

This is not pretty, and someone should pay.

When is a racist not a racist?

Richards Apologizes for Racial Slurs

Look I’m not that stupid, this racist, and the videotaped tirade of his meltdown will disappear from the media very quickly. Say like by next week you won’t hear a peep about this, and will notice the affair mysteriously disappear from G*o0*g1*e.

This jerk Richards is a racist, and if you have read the transcript, seen the video or heard the tapes, you know he is a racist. A very ugly racist.

The hate he spews out would never be allowed to continue in my circle of friends. We would have shut him up before he shouted the N word the tenth time.

This liberal should have been attacked physically while he spouted this hateful racist tirade. There it is, the reason this will disappear so quickly…Richards is a flaming liberal. Case closed. Swept under the rug, the same rug where Sen. Byrd’s KKK robe and membership card are. Liberals use African-American people, get their votes and are the first to mouth racial slurs or jokes when there are no one but white liberal truck drivers around. But there are many conservative truck drivers out there, me included who would have taken a tire iron to this idiots head, with no worry of inflicting any brain damage on the sick racist.

Look here, I am a dues paying Teamster of twenty-five years, and realize most of my fellow teamsters are liberal democrats. Where I work, when there are no African-American workers around, it is the liberal democrat teamsters making fun, denigrating and spewing hatred toward other human beings with different skin pigment. I walk away from the conversations by these liberal bigots, hopefully you would do the same.

Yes, Richards is going to be sought out by the msm, and he will demand a higher price than the $98 dollars he was paid for his stand up comedy routine, gone berserk. He will get paid for apperances on Letterman, CNN, Charlie Rose’s show, CBS and NBC so many times in the next month, any real American will get sick of seeing his face or listen to his apologies. He will make hundreds of thousands of dollars in the apology market of the media.

He is scum.

Here are a few links to my research on this no order, just research.


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Song by Johnny Nash

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone

I can see all obstacles in my way

Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind

It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun shiny day

I think I can make it now, the pain is gone

All of the bad feelings have disappeared

Here is the rainbow I've been prayin' for

It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun shiny day

Look all around, there's nothin' but blue skies

Look straight ahead, nothin' but blue skies

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone

I can see all obstacles in my way

Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind

It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun shiny day

More on the Election

Right Click and open in a new window to hear " I can see clearly now"while you read this article

My eyes are open, wide open, and I can see down the road. For all practical purposes the GOP is finished as a political party.

When the president held his post-election press conference, the only time a smile came to his face was when a reporter asked if he would be working with the Democrat majority on an “Amnesty for the law breakers from Mexico”. His demeanor changed instantly, and he seemed happy.

Yes, I know President Bush and his new pals the Dems call it something else, but it is Amnesty, you know it, I know it, and George Bush knows it. Amnesty, rewarding people who have broken the laws of this land.

Oh there will be a battle put up by a few brave congressmen and women, but Nancy Pelosi’s party will have millions of new voters overnight.

Amnesty for the trespassers from Mexico and other places will not help the Republican party, I don’t care what Karl Rove thinks.

The uneducated and poor flock to the Democrat Party, because it promises to take from the Achievers and give to the nonachievers.

The democrat party would have the tresspassers, I mean new citizens stay in the lettuce fields, stay stupid and poor.

We are going to have 20 to 30,000,000 new citizens overnight sometime in the next two years.

Oh but you ask, won’t that help the Republican Party? Wake up, look around, President Bush has killed the party of A. Lincoln.

There are many complex reasons why the GOP had its plow cleaned election day

Yes it was about Iraq, but there were millions of people who are angry about Iraq, for what we are not doing there. We are not allowing our warriors to fight. President Bush and Rumsfeld sent some of the worlds greatest warriors overseas, with the shackles of political correction making them vulnerable to gangs of thugs.

Want proof? Simply return to that fateful day that Al Jeerzera featured pictures of 4 Americans, burnt to a crisp, bodies drug around and then hung up on a bridge for all the world to see, that was the day we lost the war in Iraq.

But while the charred bodies were still warm, the president was talking about the peaceful religion of Islam. Think people, what would you have done if you were president?

I know the last thing I would have done would be to let the city of Fallujah exist any longer. Peaceful religion my foot. Hundreds of our warriors have died at the hands of terrorists who were actually in Fallujah that day. Thousands of Iraqi citizens have been murdered by the thugs of islam who were in Fallujah that day.

What do I hear and see my president do? The president making excuses for doing nothing. Now don’t get me wrong, if Hillary had been commander in chief that day, the same thing would have happened…..NOTHING.

Fallujah should have been leveled that day….a few hours of warning, a surrounding of the city, and then the city should have been leveled.

I’m too upset to write more.

It’s time for a real third party in this nation. The dirty secret is that the Karl Rove and his buddy George, have secretly plotted against my old party. It was a secret attack on the Christian Right, the facts are borne out in the results.

The Christian Right had better leave the Republican Party and start the long hard trek through the political wilderness. Rick Santorum, Tom Delay, George Allen, J. D. Hayward, and many more decent God fearing public servants were sabotaged by Karl and gang.

You cannot tell me that a third party with an America first platform would not grow to a political power to rival the party of the cowards, sodomites and turncoats.

America is yearning for a leader. No, not Hillary, Nancy or Howard Dean. And as much as it hurts me to say it………it isn’t George Bush.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election 2006

What this election means in America.

What this election means to American’s in America.

The fact that this 2006 election didn't go the way I wanted 2006 election, doesn't make me angry, THIS IS AMERICA. And, the closer we get to 50/50 in this nation, the more we will rediscover about ourselves. There were no political earthquakes in America this election. It was America being America.

No decapitated bodies will be found tomorrow morning in Nashville, Alexandria, Branson or Wilkes-Barre. WE are Americans, and I guarantee you there will be no idiots with guns celebrating what we love so much in this nation. Elections. We don’t shoot guns into the air when our political party wins…..Nor….point them a little more horizontally….when we lose. No we are Americans, we reconcile our differences and live together even when the opposition party is in power.

The msm won’t show you, but there will be celebrations all over the muslim world tomorrow….celebrating the Democrats victory, firing their guns into the air. Dah, does that habit of the islamafacists make sense? How many innocent people have bullets drilled into their scalps after the drunken orgies of insignificant gun ownership in Lebanon, Iran or the Sudan. The msm won’t have to show it, it will be all over the internet, pictures of happy terrorists, now that Nancy Pelosi is Queen of Washington D.C.

Ahhh excuse me, those idiots don’t know America. I am sure Nancy Peelosi loves America, after all she is filthy rich and in control. Most people as rich as NP, would not want anything to change about America…..they poor are best poor, the sick, sick and the taxpayers should be paying taxes. This should be two very interesting years. Those that think America can be safe without battling those that want us dead, will soon become #1 PATRIOTS, BUT, WE KNOW THE TRUTH AND WILL COVER NP’S BEHIND………AFTER ALL………

Hopefully the Democrats who have won the House of Representatives will choose as leader, someone more American than Nancy Pelosi, Jack Murtha or Barney Franks, but even if they don’t…all of us Americans will be all right.

UNLESS…..the squeaked by majority starts making Global Waves. I think you know what I mean. America is at its best when there is no control of all branches of the political body, controlled by one political party.

I am looking forward to being an American these next two years, or for that matter, all of the years I can live free and work hard for America.

What a battle, Congrats to all Democrats who worked hard to see this majority swing.

Unless there is gloating, gloating and more gloating by the Democrats, I’ll be right there helping, if you need me to make America….EVEN BETTER.

I somehow have a feeling, that the old GOP, was getting tired of fighting high taxes, terrorism and illegal immigration, and have passed the torch of liberty to the Democrats, knowing it will be OK, and now the Democrats can once again start thinking about all of America.

Don’t even try to argue politics with this America loving truck driver. In 1964, listen now, that was 42 years ago, In 1964 old webloafer took a Political Science Class at a University, and received the highest grade the teacher had ever given, the teacher personally told me that, and he told me I would go places in the political world.

How wrong he was, here I am 42 years later enjoying, driving truck. Truck driving it is one of the most rewarding jobs in America.

Politics….? I could not lie, cheat, deceive or double-cross enough to be a politician. Democrat or Republican.

Politics was not the only subject I studied that semester at that Oklahoma University, It was a rough go, I was getting up at 5 am each school day to go march with the university marching band, and was involved in a big battle for the first chair French Horn in the orchestra. If that wasn’t enough, I spent many hours in the Student Union, playing chess where it was almost nonstop Roy Orbison on the jukebox, singing ‘Pretty Woman’. I mean like it was played almost constantly. At that time Pop music was not important to me, but I still can recall, sitting in the student union playing chess with other students……while that song ‘Pretty Woman’ played over and over and over and over. Come to think of it, I never once put a dime in the jukebox, I just listened to what other people selected….and it was almost always ‘Pretty Woman’.

My days were busy…..just to get the one semester credit for orchestra, took at least ten hours of time each week at the university and many more hours practicing off campus. Orchestra, Political Science, Calculus, English, Creative Writing, and Visual Arts (Printing, I mean like learning to run a letter press, and work the California type box) that was a load. I love America just as much with a Democrat controlled House of Representatives as when the Republicans were in power. In fact, I am going to benefit from all of this. I know I can get more from the Gov, in the next few years before retirement.

Forget the war, we can whip ‘em over here, and the battle will not cost as much money. I mean like it is taking billions of dollars to fight the enemy overseas. It won’t cost our government as much to fight them in the streets here. The enemy will have to spend a lot more oil money to fight the battle in Peoria, so, they will start pumping more oil for the market, and we can have cheap gasoline to fill the tanks of our hearses, ambulances and the backhoes digging the graves of the innocent citizens that are killed here in America.

Political Science….

I still love it, but not as much as truck driving.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I'm sorry I got this real...mad?

People over here could care less what you think. Because you would be speaking German, without America.

Your sorry *** ain't on the line....and you and your fellow cowards could never save your own sorry ***,

And America is just about through keeping the rest of the world safe.

Think about it party boy, you may have to protect your Euro place yourself. America will soon bring all of the troops home….then what will you eurowienees do?

Play, paper, rock, scissors with Al Quida?

I live in a safe country, free, prosperous and PROUD, where hard working smart people are making it even safer.

Go suck a lemon, and don't you dare call upon our wonderful young people to save your sorry ***.

You want to live in a world without America....tell you what loser, America is getting tired of your two bit nation and all of the losers in it....talking bad about us. What about 1942 in your nation? We bleed for you, then in 1946 we feed you, and now you perverted, ungrateful and sick people take the time to talk bad about America. Perhaps you would like to live your perverted lifestyle in Iran, Cuba or Greece? Good Luck loser, don’t bother calling for help.

So in the future....fight your own battles against the ones who chop heads off....we'll be ok here in America.

Grow your own wheat, soybeans. corn and such.....

America is sick and tired of the moochers of freedom.

As I said....go suck on a lemon and do it without America...

Bet you wouldn't enjoy life if America quit protecting you from your choose up punk.....we will bring our submarines back to our shores and pay more attention to protecting us, than you loser’s….you lose at war, then beg my nation to shed some more blood.

Sorry punk, we are busy shedding blood in IRAK….you haven’t the decency to give the people of Iraq a chance……or even spell their nations name correctly…but let me tell you coward……..your and your pantywaist imitation men could not free a biscuit from a cockroach….so bug off loser.

Hate America or Love Islamafacism. Enjoy your fate, you deserve it.

And I haven't noticed many American's worried about what you ****hole of a nation cares anyway, and we are about to build a fence to keep all losers like you away from our wonderful nation.

Enjoy the sound of knives sawing through the necks of your loved ones.

Yes, I have saved your blog….and will use it to compare reality with stupidity.

Go suck a lemon loser.

Clue...who needs a clue.

I have history, and my brothers and sisters.....

Some are light skinned, some a little darker skinned, but what you idiots in uerp don't know...

Our battles in America...are none of your business, and you haven’t a clue as to what America is about.

You spend too much time in front of your telex listening to the elitist of journalism lying about my nation.

Like I said.......go suck a lemon.....then forget about America and all the mistakes we make....we make 'em, but we correct 'em.

You euroweinees couldn't fight if you had too...

you will be noticing in the near future, my nations young men and young women will see my nations battleships, aircraft carriers, infantry, navy seals, CIA and FBI leaving your area.......

Like I said, go suck a lemon, and don't ask America to help you in your life and death struggle with the islamafacists.

We should have not shed American Blood for you ingrates, and you can take this to the bank.

We won't again.

You can pervert your way into hell for all we care.

And we can do without anything you make, grow or create.

Bye Bye American Pie.

Think about what you have done....

You have openly hated those you call upon time and time again to save you sorry *****

Who you gonna call on now?