Monday, November 20, 2006

When is a racist not a racist?

Richards Apologizes for Racial Slurs

Look I’m not that stupid, this racist, and the videotaped tirade of his meltdown will disappear from the media very quickly. Say like by next week you won’t hear a peep about this, and will notice the affair mysteriously disappear from G*o0*g1*e.

This jerk Richards is a racist, and if you have read the transcript, seen the video or heard the tapes, you know he is a racist. A very ugly racist.

The hate he spews out would never be allowed to continue in my circle of friends. We would have shut him up before he shouted the N word the tenth time.

This liberal should have been attacked physically while he spouted this hateful racist tirade. There it is, the reason this will disappear so quickly…Richards is a flaming liberal. Case closed. Swept under the rug, the same rug where Sen. Byrd’s KKK robe and membership card are. Liberals use African-American people, get their votes and are the first to mouth racial slurs or jokes when there are no one but white liberal truck drivers around. But there are many conservative truck drivers out there, me included who would have taken a tire iron to this idiots head, with no worry of inflicting any brain damage on the sick racist.

Look here, I am a dues paying Teamster of twenty-five years, and realize most of my fellow teamsters are liberal democrats. Where I work, when there are no African-American workers around, it is the liberal democrat teamsters making fun, denigrating and spewing hatred toward other human beings with different skin pigment. I walk away from the conversations by these liberal bigots, hopefully you would do the same.

Yes, Richards is going to be sought out by the msm, and he will demand a higher price than the $98 dollars he was paid for his stand up comedy routine, gone berserk. He will get paid for apperances on Letterman, CNN, Charlie Rose’s show, CBS and NBC so many times in the next month, any real American will get sick of seeing his face or listen to his apologies. He will make hundreds of thousands of dollars in the apology market of the media.

He is scum.

Here are a few links to my research on this no order, just research.



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