Friday, March 31, 2006

How muslims treat Christians

Rice Demands Respect For Jailed Christian

(Reuters) Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told President Hamid Karzai by telephone the United States wanted Afghanistan, where U.S. troops are fighting anti-government Islamic extremists, to show it respects religious freedom by resolving the case quickly.

Her call to the close U.S. ally came a day after Bush vowed to use U.S. leverage over Afghanistan to make sure Abdur Rahman's right to choose his religion was upheld.

Under the pressure, which was reinforced by several U.S. allies supporting Afghanistan with aid and troops, Karzai has pledged Rahman would not be executed, according to the Canadian government.

But Muslim clerics say Abdul Rahman will be murdered if he is freed. Read below.

Muslim Clerics say:
They Will Incite People To ‘Pull Him Into Pieces’

This article is from the website

Want to know how the war is going? The USofA has through military might freed 25 million poor, repressed, uneducated Afganistan slaves to the Taliban. Blood, much blood was spilt to free these people. What do they do with their freedom………………….I am sick. Level the mosques now, these animals are from hell itself. Rid the world of these vermin, or learn to live with ‘em. And that will require you to denounce the Saviour of God’s Creation, Jesus Christ. I am physically sick from having to deal with this mentally. Come quickly Lord Jesus, your church awaits.

Here is the link to where I found this information

(AP) Senior Muslim clerics said Thursday that an Afghan man who converted from Islam to Christianity must be executed and if the government caves into Western pressure and frees him they will incite people to "pull him into pieces."

"Rejecting Islam is insulting God. We will not allow God to be humiliated. This man must die," said cleric Abdul Raoulf, who is considered a moderate and was jailed three times for opposing the Taliban before the hardline regime was ousted in 2001.

"The government is scared of the international community. But the people will kill him if he is freed," said Hamidullah, chief cleric at Haji Yacob Mosque.

"Cut off his head!" Raoulf exclaimed, sitting in a courtyard outside Herati Mosque. "We will call on the people to pull him into pieces so there's nothing left."

He said the only way for Rahman to survive would be for him to go into exile outside Afghanistan.

"If he is allowed to live in the West then others will claim to be Christian so they can too," stated Said Mirhossain Nasri, the top cleric at Hossainia Mosque, one of the largest Shiite places of worship in Kabul said. "We must set an example. ... He must be hanged."

The clerics said they were angry with the United States and other countries for pushing for Rahman's freedom.

"We are a small country and we welcome the help the outside world is giving us, but please don't interfere in this issue," Nasri said. "We are Muslims and these are our beliefs. This is much more important to us than all the aid the world has given us."

"The government will lose the support of the people," he said. "What sort of democracy would it be if the government ignored the will of all the people."

I feel sick. They want “the help the outside world is giving” them -- CONSISTING MOSTLY OF CHRISTIAN NATIONS AND SOLDIERS! -- yet they want to kill Christians if they reject Islam.

Kill him! Hang him! Tear him to pieces! Cut off his head! We got rid of the Taliban for this? These so-called “moderate” Muslims?

The Muslim world was outraged over a cartoon depicting Mohammed as a suicide bomber. Yet, the world is supposed to turn a blind eye and stay out of their business when they tear a Christian into little pieces! Lunacy!

Afghan Court Trying To Seek ‘Good Solution’ In Death Penalty Case

(Agence France Presse) Afghanistan's Supreme Court said Thursday it was trying to find a "good solution" following a flood of Western criticism over a man facing the death penalty for converting to Christianity.

The judge handling the case, Ansarullah Mawlavizada, said the courts were trying to find a "good solution" which could include persuading Rahman to revert to Islam.

"This is a sensitive issue -- we are trying our best to handle it quickly," he told AFP.

"Since Islam is a religion of mercy, kindness and tolerance, we will try to find a good solution. We are trying our best to persuade the man to convert back to Islam."

On Wednesday Mawlavizada said that "if he doesn't revert back to Islam, he's going to receive the death penalty, according to the law".

The United States has about 16,000 troops in Afghanistan and is the main donor to the war-torn country.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai's office has tried to sidestep the row by saying the judiciary is independent.

Islam is a religion of "mercy" and "kindness" and "tolerance," but Mr. Rahman is "going to receive the death penalty" if he doesn't revert back to Islam. Huh?

If they don't understand the meaning of mercy, kindness and tolerance, I guess it would be too much to ask the President of Afghanistan to understand the country's own constitution.

The judiciary is NOT independent of the president in cases of capital punishment, as the spokesman says. The Afghan constitution clearly states:

“All specific decisions of the courts are enforceable, except for capital punishment, which is conditional upon approval of the President.” Article One Hundred and twenty nine Ch. 7. Art. 14


Afghan Christian May Be Mentally Unfit For Trial

(AP Online) An Afghan man facing a possible death penalty for converting from Islam to Christianity may be mentally unfit to stand trial, a state prosecutor said Wednesday amid growing international condemnation of the case.

Abdul Rahman, 41, has been charged with rejecting Islam, a crime under this country's Islamic laws. His trial started last week and he confessed to becoming a Christian 16 years ago. If convicted, he could be executed.

"We think he could be mad. He is not a normal person. He doesn't talk like a normal person," prosecutor Sarinwal Zamari told The Associated Press.

Moayuddin Baluch, a religious adviser to President Hamid Karzai, said Rahman would undergo a psychological examination.

"If he is mentally unfit, definitely Islam has no claim to punish him," he said. "He must be forgiven. The case must be dropped."

Abdul Rahman may not be an Islamic apostate after all. Just crazy, a mad man, a gibbering lunatic. It’s one thing to kill a Christian convert, but it’s entirely different to kill a mad man – those they let loose out on the street.

To be sure, there are mad men and lunatics rousting about the streets of Afghanistan, but it isn’t Mr. Rahman. How about that Afghan jailer who boasted a couple days ago, “We will cut him to into little pieces”? That’s pretty fanatical. How about those Afghanis who believe Christians should be put to death? That’s pretty insane.

There’s still plenty of danger ahead for Mr. Rahman. And the fate of his life is far from settled. But if he’s let out of jail as a stark-raving lunatic, then Afghanistan is just buying time until the next apostate meets his executioner.

The Afghanistan constitution needs to be changed or our troops need to go home.

What Others Are Saying About Abdul Rahman

President George Bush: "We have got influence in Afghanistan and we are going to use it. It is deeply troubling that a country we helped liberate would hold a person to account because they chose a particular religion over another." Agence France Presse

Australia Foreign Minister Alexander Downer: "We obviously wouldn't want to see anybody face execution just for exercising their freedom of religion. So bearing in mind this case has arisen, we're raising it with the Afghan government.” Australian Associated Press

US Senator Sam Brownback: "If Mr. Rahman is sentenced to death, it would be a grievous violation of (the Afghan) constitution and this fundamental tenet of the Universal Declaration of human rights.” Agence France Presse

Afghan Christian Abdul Rahman: "They want to sentence me to death and I accept it, but I am not a deserter and not an infidel. I am a Christian, which means I believe in the Trinity." (AP Online)

Mohammed Jan, who lives opposite Rahman's father: "For 30 years, we have fought religious wars in this country and there is no way we are going to allow an Afghan to insult us by becoming Christian, This has brought so much shame." (AP Online)

NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer: "I would hope and I would also insist that somebody who converts from Islam to Christianity would not have (to), on the basis of that step that he took in his personal life, face the law." AP Worldstream

Afghan Economics Minister Amin Farhang: "He'll get a fair trial.” Deutsche Presse-Agentur

Christian Outrage Growing

Jim Geraghty, a contributing editor to National Review

The Bush administration ignores the growing outrage over Rahman's ordeal at their peril. Much of the president's base is already rethinking their views on Islam; if the Afghanis kill Rahman, many of America's Christians will be ready to pull out of Afghanistan and end any further aid to a government that declares war on Christian converts. It is not unthinkable that some would prefer to bomb this new Afghani government as mercilessly as we bombed the Taliban.

To kill a man for following another faith must be a deal-breaker.

Jihad Backs Hamas Refusal To Recognize Israel

(Agence France Presse) The extremist Islamic Jihad pledged its support Wednesday for the incoming Hamas government's refusal to recognize Israel, saying such a move was a "red line" that cannot be crossed.

"We reject the pressure and international provocation ... against Hamas to force it to recognize the Zionist state of Israel, recognize the humiliating agreements (previously signed between the Palestinian Authority and Israel) and abandon the resistance," Khader Habib, a leader of Jihad, told reporters.

"The recognition of Israel must be a red line," added Habid at a press conference.

Muslim Terrorists Wanted To Punish Britain With Murder

(The Epress) A gang of British Muslims plotted to blow up "pubs, nightclubs or trains" in a bombing campaign to bring jihad to the UK, the Old Bailey heard yesterday.

The terrorists aimed to punish Britain with murder and destruction for its support of the US.

One of the conspirators even boasted they were working for the "number three" in Al Qaeda.

As part of the plot, gang members went to Pakistan to learn how to construct bombs using ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder set off by a detonator, the court heard.

But the plan was stopped in the nick of time after a covert surveillance operation by Scotland Yard and MI5.

The gang were rounded up in March 2004 as their "plans were moving towards the final phase", said David Waters QC, prosecuting.

Terror Plotters Sought Atomic Weapon, Prosecutor Says

(AP Worldstream) A member of a gang of al-Qaida-linked terrorists plotting attacks on Britain had attempted to buy a radioactive dirty bomb, a prosecutor told a jury trying seven men on terrorism charges Wednesday.

Salahuddin Amin, 31, contacted an intermediary about the purchase of a radioisotope bomb and was told it could be supplied by Russian mafia criminals based in Belgium, prosecutor David Waters told London's Central Criminal Court.

Waters said Amin had been instructed to carry out negotiations by a man he had met at alleged terrorist training camps in Pakistan.

Amin and six other men are accused of conspiring to cause explosions and had drawn up a long list of potential bombing targets, including Britain's electricity network, one of London's biggest nightclubs and one of the country's largest shopping malls.

Germany May Require Would-Be Immigrants To Answer Questions About Homosexuality And Nudity

Late last week, it was reported that Dutch immigrants must watch “gay” kissing and topless women videos before being allowed to settle in the Netherlands. It’s all designed to keep out folks who wouldn’t integrate well into their liberal society (fundamentalist Muslims, maybe?)

Germany apparently likes the idea but is looking for a gentler approach – a list of questions on gay kissing and nudity... some additional questions that most citizens of Germany probably couldn’t answer.

VIENNA, March 22, 2006, ( – "What do you know about the Holocaust? Define Israel's right to exist? Are you offended when you see two homos kissing one another?"…etc. These are some of the questions in a racy test would-be immigrants in Germany may have to sit in for, also including watching sex scenes.

Hessen state has approved a 100-question test that examines the general knowledge of would-be immigrants to the European country but it will not come into effect until approved by the German parliament in June.

German state authorities said that the test package aims at giving an accurate and real portrait of the German society so that potential immigrants would not be shocked by its traditions and cultures.

In addition, immigrants will have to respond to questions on German geography, history, constitution, culture, science, sports as well as its political, judiciary and social systems.

"Who is the first German chancellor? What meeting was held in Pawel Church in Frankfort in 1848?" are some of the questions on the suggested test.

Hessen state government called other German states to adopt the test.

Ministers of Interiors of German states will meet in May to discuss the unified rules for tests of would-be migrants to resolve any controversy before endorsing the new immigration law.

German Minister of Interior Wolfgang Schäuble welcomed the Hessen state move.

just another rant

Are you like me, fed up with the MSM (Mean Street Media) and wanting to strike back?
Would you like some advice on where to start? Yes, I know you would, and I think it is about time.

OK, let’s start this thought by thinking; LET’S THINK about all of the Pro-American, Pro-Life, and Pro-Truth Legal Citizens of this magnificent nation, and do a little comparison. Let’s take the time and compare those thoughts with the, Mean Street Media, which is Anti-American, Pro-Death and Pro-Deceit. Can you handle that?

Have you ever wanted to have a free subscription to the “Rush Limbaugh Newsletter”?

The only way you could be so lucky, would be for you ‘get through to the telephone number while battling tens of thousands of people dialing the same number” and then upon getting a ring tone, you would have to wait until someone answered your call. Then the real work would be to convince the call screener that you are able to speak your thoughts in a listenable way, then and then only, would you got the chance to talk to the Doctor of Democracy, you would have to so impress him, that he would reward you with a free years subscription to his newsletter and his pay for content website…..24/7. (Yes Rush was the pioneer in this too, premium subscriptions to a special place on the web with Rush that you have to pay for. Since Rush’s pioneering of this feature, almost all radio talk show hosts have followed suit, and that’s all right, Rush is always ahead of the curve.)

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the MSM acknowledged at least a ‘snurdly’ moment, and talked truthfully about Rush’s audience as compared to, let’s say…..any of the airhead America talk show hosts, that have that hallow talking into the milk bucket sounding voice….because no one is listening?

I personally think Rush Limbaugh is one of America’s Greatest Thinkers, no, let me restate that, I personally think Rush Limbaugh is the voice of America, left and right.

OK, let’s do a little more comparison..

When you leftist, antihumor, ignoramuses open your mouth to speak badly about Rush Limbaugh, you show your hatred and ignorance for America itself…for Americans that Listen, Love Rush Limbaugh.

OK, here’s the scoop. Rush is a generous man, but there is no way he needs to attract subscribers by offering free subscriptions to his newsletter. And why should he???

People want to read that newsletter, and when I was a little more flush with cash, I too was a Rush 24/7 subscriber.

But let’s get to the real reason of this blogarticle.

TIME Magazine??????? You want to have it delivered to your mailbox every week for free? Not a problem…..

I have had Time delivered to my mailbox for several years now, every week and have never sent one dime to the COMMUNISTS at TimeInc.

Just look around you when you shop, be it a Best Buy, McDonalds, Grocery Store or Tattoo Parlor, and you will find introductory subscriptions to TIME magazines. All over the blogosphere Time is offering free trial subscriptions.

You see, this gives Time Inc. a way to boast to their stupid advertisers that they have millions of paying subscribers.
They don’t, it is another shell game of the Liberal Media, and the duped advertisers keep the sinking ship of Time Inc. afloat. But let me tell you, I would never buy a product because it was advertised in an ANTI-AMERICAN, IN FACT I MIGHT HOLD IT AGAINST THE ADVERTISERS FOR WASTING SO MUCH MONEY, THAT THEY COULD HAVE SPEND INPROVING THEIR PRODUCT.

Why in the world would I want to have a copy of the Weekly Communist Propaganda Rag, that is called Time Magazine?

Know your enemy.

Time Magazine and the communists behind it, are enemies of America, so they are enemies of mine.

When you are offered 8 free weeks of Time Magazine, take it…..I always do, and so I always know what Time is lying about, and it is on their dime. If they want to inflate their stats, and brag….let ‘em.

Go ask ten of your friends if the take the time to read Time?

I do, just to know my countries enemy, but very few of your friends read it, IT IS A GIVE-AWAY RAG…..SO TAKE ADVANTAGE.

AND, always, send the postage paid cards that they fill the rag up with, with something, and post it back to the subscription dept. attached to a brick……no, that probably won’t work anymore, how about a copy of Time, return it to them on their nickel…

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


This all started as an answer to a comment left at Sanity's Bluff, my primary blog.


To answer your question, no of course you are not my enemy. I was not talking about words Marie; I was talking about actions being taken, as in the political realm. One thing though, words can give our enemy comfort and make them think they are winning. Unhinged I may be, but I still look at the war as war.

In a way I am glad war is unpopular. Let me clue you in, I hate war as much as you and your sign carrying, flagburning fellow students. And I’m glad there is a vocalization against war, that vocalization shows that we are a nation of decent people.

But our nation is threatened,
our very existence is on the line, and even decent people can get it wrong. So even if (snicker snicker) Cindery Sheehan is a decent person, (her husband divorced her, her family will have nothing to do with her, and one of the reasons her son enlisted in our military, was to get away from her) she is still more of a friend to Global Terrorism, than America.

What would you call someone that vehemently opposes and protests war, when America is forced to fight a war for it’s very survival?

What would you call someone who blocked an ambulance trying to get to a bad car wreck which you were in, with your lifeblood ebbing fast? A situation, threatening your very existence?

The words that come to my mind are, Traitors, (suicidal traitors) Traitors, (malicious traitors).OK, say we quit fighting the war on terror with bullets and bombs? What then? How many wars have words won?

Think it out Marie.

Do you have any time tested correct way to solve the problem
America is faced with? You know the problem....Tens of thousands of young men have taken an oath to blow themselves to pieces, just to kill people that aren’t muslim? That would be me and my family, we are not muslims, and won’t convert.

Let me be blunt. If God is on islam’s side, I want to go to hell.

Hundreds of thousands of muslims want you and me dead. I think that is important enough to try to derail those plans, I want to breathe a little longer, but they swear to allah, that I won't be allowed to live out my days.

Those people who demand we stop fighting our enemy anywhere they are, an enemy that has no intention of quitting their crusade to kill all of us; are suicidal, and I won't help them facilitate my departure from the living.

Suicide should be a personal thing, not a national thing. If you are suicidal, make it personal, not a group thing. If your God wants you to commit suicide, do it in a way no one else is hurt. The George Bush Haters are attempting to commit national suicide, it is evident hatred has consumed them. So be careful, they may want to take you with ‘em.

There are some who haven't a clue about
America, and the cost paid for the freedoms we take for granted. You may have noticed, I love to talk in the blogosphere, a freedom that no one in Iraq or Afghanistan had 5 years ago. No one in pre-liberated Iraq had the freedom to talk freely. Complain about the Sadist Hussein, and you would have your tongue cut out of your head.

Hundreds of thousands of graves were filled, with those that dared to disagree openly with Hussein.

Are you blind? Can't you see the good which
America's marvelous military has done in the last 5 years? Not only for our safety, but for the downtrodden of the world? Would you think this out.

I'm sorry if I seem unhinged (as you suggested) to you, and it is nothing personal. I have no right to judge your motives or beliefs. I have a bad habit of answering other people’s comments and losing track of the reason I took the time to spend addressing the problems they brought up: an then walking over to Sanity's Bluff, and jumping up, trying to catch a handhold to help me get to the top of that bluff.

You see at the Bluff, some look up to a better day, (I’m one) and yet, some from the crest of sanity's bluff...say.."All is lost, we are doomed, we are (insert your own paranoid thought) going to destroy God's World.” Egotistical Balderdash, we could no more destroy God's creation or interrupt His Will, than we could create life, and death.

How strange is this? That those who would never see a problem with a doctor drilling a hole into a living human's head to collapse the tender skull, and using machines to suck the brain tissue out of the cranium, so that the woman who had that living soul living inside of her, in her bosom: would not suffer cosmetic damage to her.....

Those same people proclaim to the world....War is wrong....Twisted logic, but I may be in the first stage of Alzheimer’s. It is too late in life to change my view of life, but here is the bottom line, webloafer is an AMERICAN patriot in a day when patriotism is frowned upon by the elitist of the Mean Spirited Media, and abortion is no more of a concern, then mosquitoes on a July evening. Just get rid of 'em.

I’m not much into a one world order; I just want to continue living as a totally free American. I am not a very good citizen of the global community; I am pro-American, from head to toe. When someone threatens my America...I strike back. Sorry to have given you the impression I know anything about you, you may be the nicest person in the world. Glad to have you here. There is no other way for me to look at it.

It’s America first, and always first.

Do you realize that out of the trillions of humans that have lived or are living on this marvelous planet, very few…..not many…..just a minuscule part of the whole has been able to live life as free as Americans??? Our military is trying to add to the freedom side of the world, and when freedom is secured, our military as it always had will return home, we have no global designs, only safety for America, and a helping hand to others. THAT HELPING HAND, COST MANY A DECENT YOUNG MAN OR WOMAN THEIR LIFE…..I WON’T LET ANYONE LIE ABOUT, OR DEFAME OUR WARRIORS, FOR I LOVE FREEDOM AND AMERICA.

Think about George Walker Bush’s vision for the whole world in that context, Are you selfish? Don’t want the Iraqi people to taste the freedom we take for granted. And the liberated women of Afghanistan would you rather they still were slaves in their own home, BEATEN AND HUMILIATED IN PUBLIC?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Hordes

Pray for America if you think America is worth saving. Saving from the hordes of invaders from Mexico, Mecca and Mesopotamia.
It has more to do with a plan to conquer, then a plan to get a good job.
You idiots, they are not here to do the work lazy Americans won’t do, the Mexican hordes are here to take back the AMERICA they think is theirs, and the terrorists are willing to help them. Of course if and when America collapses, the murderers from the middle east will slash mexican heads off too
Pray for America, if you think America is worth saving, pray.

BUT don’t do it in a cathedral of any Roman Catholic church.
If you can’t see the battle, you better duck.

Let me run down the battle lines for you.

Communist backed pedophiles infiltrated the American Roman catholic church long ago (late 1940's), and attempted to bring the church of Rome, down. It hasn’t quite worked like the perverts planned. In fact, the power of the Catholic church has been brought to bear viciously upon the perverts of the USofA. Yes the USofA was the place where the battle was initiated from, in a way so secretive you may have missed it.

That’s why I’m here for you.

All of this may not seem to be important to most, and the few that know what is in store, are not that hard to silence.

Do you think 500,000 people just happened to show up spontaneously in Los Angeles, California; surrounding city hall, and set about raising high the flag of a foreign nation, and pissing in the streets?

Sorry, sometimes the truth is ugly, and this was an ugly church event.

The Roman Catholic church of Mexico, in concert with the Catholic Power brokers in the USofA, planned all of the illegal alien events of the last few weeks, and bankrolled them. They had a lot of help from radicals of mexico.

I don’t expect most of you to get it. Tear yourselves away from the Television, computer or Play Station long enough to see what is happening in your country. Look around, who is living next to you? When you go to Wal-Mart, is English the most spoken language there? It isn’t at my local Wal-Mart, and I live in Kansas. Are you an idiot or just insanely idiotic; albeit, temporarily?

Put down the joint, quit the bong and don’t drop that pill….

Want to know why Mexico is a country where it seems, all of the young people want to leave and sneak into America illegally? Probably not, you don’t care about the reason, you just feel one way or the other about the looming disaster. It has more to do with a plan to conquer, then a plan to get a good job. You idiots, they are not here doing the work lazy Americans won’t do, they are here to take back AMERICA.

You see, they think Southwestern North America was stolen from them , and they want it back now….RIGHT NOW, and they are not to be denied, unless you grow a little backbone (spine) and demand that all the hordes of invaders be rounded up…..

Then what do we do with them? If you have read my last two blogarticles you know where I stand.

We let them build the great wall of America. Why do you think the Great Wall of China was built, and who built it? Was it to keep the Chinese people enslaved? Or, was it to keep the mongrel hordes out of China?

Oh, and what about the Iron Curtain the communists build in Western Europe? Was it built to keep capitalism out of the slums of communism? Or was it built to keep the slaves of communism enslaved? I know these are hard questions, especially to anyone in America under the age of 37 (Random pick of age) who was educated in the communistic public schools of America.

The wall of China, is still a masterpiece of native rock and masonry. The one the commies put up was a makeshift, barbwire and concrete monstrosity. Yeah you know the wall I'm talking about.
The wall, that the greatest American President pointed too, and boldly told another human, to, "Tear down that wall".

What does all of this have to do with America's problems today.

We need a fence, a wall or something to define this nations borders.

So here I am in Kansas this morning, not the least bit concerned if the hordes of Mexico take back what they want, no, I wouldn’t get upset if they reclaim California for the Catholic Church….please let them have it…but when it comes to Texas……….NO WAY.

Yes most of Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico; some of Louisiana and Arkansas, parts of Oregon and Idaho were once in the clutches of Mexico, sans a san (Roman Catholic church.) I say, let them have it. If it means the illegal invaders leave my state, great. Give them California in totality, Hollywood, San Francisco and whatever. They have nothing to add to the future of Real America, so good riddance. Of course we will welcome to Kansas anyone from anywhere who pledges allegiance to America and learns to speak the language.

Mexico is a country rich, VERY RICH in natural resources, and those resources are being sold on the world market. While Ted Kennedy and Nancy Pelosi make sure America doesn’t pump oil from the Caribbean, Atlantic or Pacific Ocean deposits off of our shores, Mexico is, and will always be busy collecting oil. The technology they use is as American as I am, (Can you liberals say Haliburton?), but Americans cannot use the technology for their own good. So Mexico gets the oil, and America gets the shaft. Laugh at me now, but the VERY BIG SHAFT will soon be visiting your neighborhood. Yes, Mexico takes the oil from the planet, and the world market gobbles it up. Mexico is selling their nations resources, (quite handsomely) and yet the citizens of Mexico are poor, poorer and destitute.

I do not blame someone for trying to better their life somewhere else, afterall that is the reason America is great. But to see flags of foreign nations held high in my nation, well it makes me sick.

I come into contact with many illegal aliens, working at the same place I work. They don’t drive truck like me, (Mexican Truck Drivers are as bad as Asian Women behind the wheel*) they work in the plant. The plant workers get paid almost as much as I do hourly, yet there has not been one American hired where I work in the last 10 years. Every person that has been hired for the plant work has been an illegal alien. You would think that in 10 years some of those plant workers would have tried to learn the language of America…Guess again. They know rudimentary English, yet anytime an America walks into the break room, the room explodes with gibbergabber in a foreign tongue. Sorry, I am not going to at this late stage in my life, try to learn the language of some other nations language……….THIS IS AMERICA, I SPEAK ENGLISH, AND OCCASIONALLY WRITE SOMETHING IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE.
I am quite proud of what English speaking Americans have contributed to the world, and if I was a bird, by feathers would be ruffled by the thought of criminals demanding that my country has no right to say who can be here. I cannot think of one South American idea of freedom, democracy or technology that makes the world better. The whole South American Experience is so ugly, I am surprised that more books are not written to tell of the sick, perverted Roman Catholic church keeping so many good people enslaved to povertry. Yes, the Catholic church is predominate only in nations of miserably poor people, while the priests, cardinals and popes live in gold gilded luxury.

Is it a fluke of nature?
No, the reason any nation of predominately Catholic people is poor, is just that, the church keeps them poor. I’ll bet you a dime to a donut, I could take you to a remote catholic church in the poorest of poor Mexico, and point to enough gold, diamonds, fine wine, gourmet food and luxury in the local church there, that if sold and divided up amongst the parishioners, would make every poor Mexican there comfortable.

But come Sunday morning mass, the poor, poor Mexicans would bow down to the golden calf. Oh excuse me, you may not know what that means….

People, (good people) wanting to worship God and provide for their families in Mexico, are being mislead……the Catholic church in Mexico is promoting the idea of, (SINNING) yes sinning (breaking and entering) just to get more money to buy more gold crucifixes to hang upon the walls of..


I won’t be able to fight much in this upcoming war, but here is the truth.

One War?
Yes, that and
Two Wars?
Yes, that and
Three Wars?

Culture war
Invasion war
Terrorist war…

Add them all up, and you are going down. You lazy American, Catholic American:

You’ll be watching Oprah and, and groovin’ to fifthtycents while the only place upon the planet that is livable is destroyed by the hordes of Islam, Mexico and Hollywood. ENJOY YOUR STUPOR.

Enjoy your stupor.

*yes, I am aware that I am being politically incorrect, but I know what I'm talking about, I have 2.5 million miles of driving on the roads of America behind me, about 500,000 more if the Lord lets me live, and I know what I know, Asian women, bless them, are the worst drivers out there. In a close second are the young black men, driving from the floorboard, or so it seems, with their drivers seat touching the back seat, LAID BACK? Yes, it looks cool, but a pimpmobile crushed beneath an 18 wheeler is not cool. If they sit up, put their hat on correctly, (to let the bill, be a shield from the sun's blinding rays) held the wheel firmly and thought about what was going on around them, they would do all right, but they won't, that is probably why they are not driving fast cars at NASCAR. But if they straighten up, watch out NASCAR.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

intercepted emails

Here are some emails sent to Senator Richard Durbin soon after his June 2005 public rant.
You know, right after gave a speech stabbing our military in the back. Yes,when he stated that America's military acts a lot like Hitler’s German Armed Forces or Stalin's Communist Red Army. Yes I realize these are very old emails, but they just now came to my attention.
Surely you remember how in June of last year, the number 2
(fitting) Democrat in the Senate, likened America's treatment of the cold-blooded-killer islamic terrorists, YES, compared our treatment of them to the treatment that innocent Jews in Germany received by Hitler, and innocent Christians received at the hands of the leftists, in the Soviet Gulags.
I followed all of the links left with the emails, and most of them are still active. I can understand it would be difficult for a terrorist to have a valid email for any amount of time. Here we go...............
Dear Richard,
Thanks for the kind words you said about the Soviet Gulags. To equate them to that small internment center at Gitmo, Cuba, is a stroke of genius. When you next talk to the C.E.O of Cuban Cigars Inc. would you ask Fidel to cough up a few Churchills…My credit line there has been reduced. Your enduring friend,
Vladimir V. Putin
Want to email V. V. Putin?
Dick, Dick Dick…..
I feel slighted that you did not equate Gitmo to my efforts in Iraq. But, thanks for the tickets to the Cubs game, I passed them on to a friend. Keep up the good work.
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
Dear Infidel Durbin,
LOL, had to call you one Senator, although you are one of my favorite infidels. We’ll make sure you are not on the A list when we take over the USofA.Thanks for the shipment of California Dates. Dates are rather scarce here at Camp Smelly Cave. (I have recently hired young boys to smoke cigars in the cave, to mask the smell) Don’t worry, I tell them, do not inhale. This cave thing is the pits. Even the goats are starting to look good.......LOL....LMAO.
Omar brings me the printouts of all the e-mail’s you send me, and posts my emails to you from the Islamic Charity Inc. account. Someday soon I hope to have internet use again. Stay in touch,Your friend,Osama bin Laden
I understand it is getting a little uncomfortable in D.C. or Illinois for you. Remember my dear friend,You are always welcome here in my little fiefdom. Next time the taxpayers send you on a junket, Make sure Libya is on your list of nations to visit. There will be an air-conditioned tent available to you, and some young dancing girls. Bring cigars please.
Moammar Gadhafi
Dear Dickie,You owe me a few; I have had to run interference for you because of your latest outburst. I needed to apply a little weight to get a few hesitant convention subscribers to remain committed to Chicago for their conventions.I think a widening of the road to my house: and another blacktop coating on my long driveway, you know, if a federal project like that was included in the federal interstate road budget, that would probably square us on this matter. And of course some good cigars.
Mayor Richard Daley
Remember you can email me anytime at,
Dear Honorable Senator,
Hey Dickie,Don’t sweat it. We’ll supply you with any legal advice you need, and represent you if the cowardly Republicans grow a spine…LOL…not a chance,…they’ll never do that. They are afraid of their own shadow.
Nadine Strossen
President ACLU
Senator Durbin,
With all the uproar you have caused with your talk of Nazi’s etc., I may have to help ‘monitor’ your next election bid. We’ll pool our resources but you’ll have to let me know how big of margin you want to win by. And I have a close friend who loves the cigars you send us. Rosaline likes the ones with a natural Cameroon Wrapper. She loves African wrappers, or was that rappers? Anyway send plenty, Ted Kennedy cannot control himself, he always swipes a few when we party.
Jimmy (born again) Carter
Dickie Baby,
I am sure it was inadvertent; But you left my torture chambers off of your list. No problem, but just remember who loves you baby…..enough to send you boxes upon boxes of cigars, cigars that no one on the other side of the aisle gets, not even Rush Limbaugh. Remember how to vote on Senate Bill 4143.Your bud,
Fidel Castro

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Family Fueds; Bush/Clinton, 1988-2020

Family Feuds/Blood is Thicker than water.

I had already banged myself up, accidentally cut myself a few times and taken a few hard knocks, before I heard the cliché “Blood is thicker than water.” Of course it is, I thought to myself when I heard it for the first time; I have seen both. I didn’t need expensive electron microscopes, spectrograms or atomic scales to know that, blood from a healthy body starts coagulating instantly when it is spilled.

Family pride is nothing to laugh at…..blood does run thicker than water. Another easily proved colloquialism, slash your wrist and watch your thick blood leave your body, if it was water you would be dead 20 seconds faster. Please excuse me for that, it is not necessary for this article, or is it?

So family pride, heredity and bloodline is what we will discuss now.

Have you wondered why Ex-President George Bush and his golden tongued wife of 50+ years are being so kind to the man who has ridiculed both the father and son in merciless abandon and mean spiritedness?

Did President Clinton ever ask Ex-President Bush to travel around the world in Air Force One, trying to solve world problems, and give hope to others? He and Hillary had 8 years to give it a go, but no.

Did President Clinton ever say a nice thing about the Bush Family in the 8 years he was a President?

Even if you can fabricate, extrapolate or excavate a good word that anyone from the Clinton family said about the Bush family, I will ask you to carbon date it, for it must be fake. The Clinton’s (Hillary and Bill) hate the Bush Family. That really is a shame, but there is a paper, video, and audio record of this fact.

Have you wondered why Ex-President Bush and his golden tongued wife of 50+ years are being so kind to the man who has ridiculed both the father and son in merciless abandon and mean spiritedness?

I am sure it turned a few heads in both the Conservative and Liberal camps of American Politics.

But, am I the only one who knows why?

Cannot you see the plan?

Since I am tired, (I just returned from driving an 18 wheeler, 400 miles, ((as I do 5 days a week)) this article will not be finished today, but) you are welcome to answer the questions I have presented in your mind.

I have extreme confidence in your ability to figure out where this train of thought of mine is going. It is important.

It seems gloomy for the Pro-American Americans now, (strange how anyone could live in America and hate America, but it is there on Video, TV, Newspaper, Hollywood, and from the dEMOCRATIC party spokestraitors.) or is that just a façade to keep the liberal haters of America overconfident? Want to laugh a little before I call this first installment of “Blood is Thicker than Water” done and take my rest? Get this, I was recently called Pro-American by a liberal… has happened……in an argument with one of those bigoted racist liberal friends of mine, I was actually called a pro-American warmonger. OK, let me wear that description proudly. Yes they called me pro-American in a hateful tone, and I recorded it in my minds hard drive. Wow, that felt good.

This is a to be continued article that you know a lot about, probably as much as me, but someone had to say it.


The Clinton/Bush Fueds, 1988-2020


I haven’t tackled many social problems lately. I have been really depressed lately about what I see America becoming. You may not agree with me on this, but this has been on my mind for sometime now, I keep putting off writing about it, but, well here goes.

Great day in court for a sexual predator.

ORLANDO, Fla. 03.21.06, State prosecutors are dropping the charges against former Tampa teacher Debra Lafave, who was accused of having sex with a 14-year-old middle school student.

Here are a few opinions of mine, they are opinions arrived at by reading, studying and researching.

1. The teachers union NEA has a larger percentage of pedophiles in their ranks than the Catholic Church Hierarchy has ever had.
2. The great experiment in Democracy called America, has become the great experiment in debauchery.
3. America will never win the war on terror.

Got your attention yet? I want to start discussing my #3 observation first.

America will never win the war on terror; until America as a nation repents, (turns from evil) and embraces godliness again!
Yes, we have the most magnificent military ever assembled and equipped in all of this planets history, but until we as a nation repent, we will not win any war against another evil civilization. THINK.
No, we are not going to lose, but we won’t win while our society is like it is.
What do I mean by that? Just this; the war on terror will never be won if we don’t become a nation worthy of God’s protection again. God has been kicked out of every public place, SO WHY WOULD GOD PROTECT US AS A NATION???? This isn’t that hard to understand, unless you don’t want to know the truth.
If we as a nation refuse to repent and turn to God, we will have to keep fighting this war without hope of victory, because God is no longer on our side. Oh yes make fun, sing that old Bob Dylan song, “and the muslims they too have God on their side” (Yes I know it was russians not muslims) but let your conscience consider what America is today. If you honestly thing about all that is unfolding on Earth’s stage today… will get down on your knees and pray an earnest prayer to the one who has His finger on the on and off switch. It is that close to the end of the Earth. No, it is not global warming Algore, it is global sin that is ushering in the end.

I want to start discussing my third observation first.
About the war…..have you ever read some of Bin Laden’s reasons for wanting to rid the world of Americans? I dare you. In his early writings….1990-2000, he clearly points out that he is fighting for the survival of decency. He rails against homosexuals in high places of America’s Government. He rails against the public displays of debauchery in America. He rails against the immoral Hollywood Movies, and the glamorization of sex in America.

He’s quite the prude isn’t he?
Think again, he is a evil killer, but the reasons he gives to rationalize his behavior are ones we shouldn’t dismiss lightly.
Think about a muslim father or mother trying to protect their children from the likes of Hollywood, HIV, NEA and MTV.
Their concern is justified, but the way they want to go about correcting the problem is wrong. KILL EVERYONE THAT DISAGREES?
I am a very disagreeable person.......I thank God I was born in America, I would not have become a teenager in a Muslim Nation, because I love to speak my mind, and just because you believe something, gives you no right to hate what I believe, and my nation (AMERICA) goes to war to protect peoples right to be free.
In this age of instantaneous media and communication, it is impossible for parents to shield their children from the filth of America. On cable news, in Hollywood movies, and on the internet, muslims can see American homosexuals kissing in mock marriage ceremonies, pop singers baring breasts at Super Bowl halftime shows, they read about a
PRESIDENT who takes advantage of naïve girls in the White House’s oval office, they hear the gangsta rappers degrading women and a host of other filth that no muslim wants his children to be subjected to. The peddlers of smut, ungodliness and immoral behavior try to push it down the worlds throats. That is how they make their millions, and they won’t let their children attend public schools, watch MTV, or spend time cruising the internet.

We as Americans have no trouble with it invading and pervading our nation, we seem unshockable. (Or perhaps gutless is more accurate, since MSWord says unshockable isn’t a word)

It is as if we are blind robots that cannot be offended. Well not all of us are puppets of the devil, some fine people in America are fighting against this moral decay, but it looks to be a just another unwinnable war.

I can see this is going to be a long article, this is just an introduction. Take my three observations and ponder. Some of my views will shock you. You know I want us to win the war on terror, but can that happen if we don’t examine all of the factors of why many want us dead? NO

This thought will be finished, and it may take tens of thousands of words……I’ll publish the rest of this thought here on my catch all blog….Continue Reading……

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Terri On

I finally figured out why my lust for food is subdued.

It has been a year!

365 days!!!

365 days ago, the feeding tube of Terry Schiavo was removed from her living, breathing body for the final time. You may not believe me, but I lost my appetite late last night (and the Jayhawks losing their NCAA first round basketball game had nothing to do with it) and even upon waking up, breakfast had no appeal, so I skipped it. It is now it is 4 o’clock pm, and I still am not hungry. Yes a diet would do me good, but something was up behind the scene.. It was one of those spiritual things happening behind the facade of my worthless life. What is more important than life? Well there is one thing more important to me, and that is tomorrow and the future.

Try to put yourself into the body of a battered wife lying in a bed in a drug induced coma, while a sadistic husband is finally looking happy…..because they are removing the tube that is keeping you alive.

Please read this post from almost a year ago

Terri On

Battlefield News

Battlefield News
Samarra, Iraq
Al Jeezera, March 17, 2006

When the whole picture of the enemy’s success in our stronghold NE of Samarra, could be seen, it was ugly.
Bedlam everywhere, all communication systems were down, enemy artillery shells were finding their mark, helicopters were bringing elite forces of Iraqii and American soldiers into our very stronghold, and there seemed to be no resistance being offered.

Soldiers of Islam were leaving the battlefield and trying to find a way out of the area. Guns were left behind, ammunition was discarded and almost all soldiers of Islam tried to escape the battle, not fight it. Some of our frightened soldiers donned burkas ( tore them off of elderly women) to escape the clinched fist of the infidels.
One reporter reported that he heard this from a retreating Al Qaeda fighter in a burka.“Shhh…don’t tell anyone, we will live to fight again, and Iraq will be ours”, whispered the young man now dressed in a grey burka. Two hours into the battle, Iraq’s Al Qaeda leader Abu Musab al_Zarqawi, blasted the leader of Al Qaeda, Osama bin laden for not supplying the troops of Islam with enough tools to fight the invaders.
In a press conference not far from the battlefield his army retreated from, Musab said, "I have just returned from the battlefield but have no good news to share. It was terrible, Black Hawks, Apaches and Chinooks, filled the skies, artillery shells were finding targets and ground forces were advancing unchecked. It was bedlam. Osama bin Laden is a failure any way you slice it. While Osama lounges in his air conditioned cave eating dates and flirting with the interns, our warriors are getting picked off one by one by the American, Iraqi and British soldiers. The morale of our troops is low, and they have insufficient weapons and armor.They are getting tired of this long war, and many of them are deserting. Do you need any more proof than this, reenlistment rates for soldiers of allah is at its lowest point in six years? In fact, in a recent poll taken amongst the soldiers of allah, 70% saw no hope for victory, and wanted to return home to Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia.
We support our troops, but our leader Osama bin Laden is nothing more than a privileged hayseed hick from Saudi Arabia who never joined in the battles of Islam; he always is far from the battle, his apoligizers say that is because of his sickness. Yeah like kidney trouble, sure. Any military leader of any worth is always with the warriors, Benny Boy Laden is a she goat, cowardly telling us how we should risk all, and he never has, or never will. He has sent thousands to their death, but has risked nothing.”

The speech ended abruptly when a loud explosion was heard, and everyone fled the area, leaving a camera filming a podium with the lovely black flags, but nothing else.

Where had everyone gone?




Yes, the answer finally came to me, and I plan to use it to make Sanity's Bluff more enjoyable. The next thing I must figure out, is how to get people to leave comments at the main blog, and not here on the Continue Reading Blog.
This is becoming more and more like phonetag........what am I doing??????

Goodbye Don Knotts

Goodbye Don Knotts, We’ll catch up with you later. Comedy as it is today cannot compare to the years and years of Good Clean Wholesome Comedy.

Laugh if you want, but a real comedian doesn't need foul language or sexual innuendos to make people happy and get them laughing. Red Skeleton, Don Knotts and Gomer Pyle are but three examples of REAL COMEDY.

Well here is a little unsolicited advice from a collector, of such.

I got off on the wrong foot collecting. Everyone collects something, stamps, automobiles, deer antlers, barb wire or even lint.

I thought National Geographic’s were the thing to collect.

So I collected.

Now my collection can't be moved without renting a Moving Van.

Oh, some other things I collect....fruit it would take days to wrap all that antique glass up if I wanted to show it all, and would need a moving van to move it.


Here is the thing I have learned, I should have collected stamps.

OK here is an insight into why I choose National Geographic’s and Fruit Jars to collect. I wholeheartedly recommend that you take time occasionally to ponder why you do some of the things you do. Reach back in time and catch the reasons you do something like you do it today. OK here we go, Why webloafer collects National Geographic’s and fruit jars.

I remember those days in the !950's at my grandparents farm. Granddad was stuck permanently where he was, he never had time to vacation, loaf or change vocations. He was a farmer and I loved him so.

He was stuck in Central Missouri forever, but he wanted to know something about the world. He had his Geographic’s, and he took time to show me the world he could never visit except in his mind.

I used to be the brave grandchild that took the walk downstairs to the root cellar, to get a jar of sweet bread and butter pickles. The reason I went to get them, is that I ask my Grandmother if she had any? "Of course I do Johnny" and she told me they were just inside the door to the right. "Go now, and get a pint of them"

How I remember the steps down to the cellar, the creaking door, the spider webs, the darkness, yet a really wonderful place.......the musky smell is something I can remember even today, and I loved to open that door and peer at the neat rows of canned beans, pickles, beets, soup, pears, peaches and many more jars of a harvest of hard work.

America.....harvested, processed and saved for the winter months.

Oh my, I must leave, it is so wonderful to think of America as it was. WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MAKE AMERICA SOMETHING YOUR GRANDCHILDREN WILL LOVE AND REMEMBER FOREVER??

We both know AJ, that the good Muslims are at a crossroads of sorts.

I hope and pray that they stand up to the people who are trying to control them through terror.

Yes terrorism is why the good Sunni's the good Shiites and Kurds have to live in such misery.

I cannot give you any proof, but I really feel like more and more Muslims want peace.

Maybe if George W. keeps mentioning Islam as 'A peaceful religion' enough, these beautiful slaves will free themselves from the ones who are using their bible to hate.

I really and truly want them to throw off the scum of Islam and live in peace.

We can't do it for them, yes, we have opened a door of opportunity for them, and the blood is flowing, both theirs and ours.

Pray for them, they deserve more than the chains of slavery to religion, for they are humans, just like us, but they are not free.

How did webloafer know this was a Super Bowl Commercial even though he never wasted his time watching the Super Bowl??

This is a grunge ad that I can relate to. The inventor who thinks it will work.....tries....fails....goes back to the boss, and the boss is in leaving (probably knowing He would be fired) failed inventor kicks a yapping dog.

So, what's the point....I vote for the one who tried to invent...not the boss.

Your blog is beautiful.

OK, so I'm a little jaded.

I love Sunflowers,

Meadowlarks, John Brown and Bob Dole's wife Elizabeth.....

Oh, excuse me, she is from North Carolina.

Nothing wrong there, Roy Williams left Kansas for I see a trend.

Beautiful Blog you have....if you have a few minutes you would really enjoy my brother in laws blog....

He really wouldn't like me, but he loves my sister and my sister loves's a Kansan thing.

And he really is a top notch Christian Writer.

Catch you around,


Basketball....I'm from Kansas I know basketball.

Rituals are great.....

As a truck driver let me tell you about a few rituals of truck driving.

I have driven 1/400th of a Billion safe miles on the highways of America, Canada and Mexico. That is 2,500,000 miles.

I have a few rituals that I must take part in, before I climb up into the drivers seat of the diesel truck.

Awe, looking up at that metal beast with horsepower enough to drag 40 tons down an interstate at 70 mph, I am in awe.

I make sure I have enough Tanya Tucker, Merle Haggard Reba McIntyre and Dwight Yoakum CD's to get me safely through 400 miles of driving.

I make sure I have at least 4 chilled bottles of Ozarka Spring Water, and the right frame of mind to tackle the road.

It's all about rituals, well maybe. But I don't miss on the road, so perhaps the basketball players should be quizzing me as to my success. HaHa HA.

Who gives a.... Truck driving is not a sport, its a job, but I like a good basketball game too. I have to watch the games on radio....if the game happens while I am working my 11 hours work day I have to try to catch it on my trucks radio.

GO KU.....and North Carolina University


I never pray for KU's basketball team to win, God is too busy getting the Rock Chalk Jayhawk...KU...chant going to listen to me.



I probably deserved that mental cyber slap.

You said it best my friend when you talked about so many different people with so many different views about so many different things......all of them living together.

Melting Pot????

Yes, and the greatest one in the world.

Melting Pot????

And living in peace. Yes, America has problems, but nothing like the problems of Norway or Iraq.

I went to church today, it is a thing I do with my family every Sunday.

I passed a couple of Mosques that have their main service on Fridays each week. I didn't even think about sneaking into the mosque while no one was there, and placing a bomb there to kill them.

Then there was the Seventh Day Adventist Church we drove by, that met yesterday for services.

I didn’t stop the family vehicle and plant a I.E.D.

There were no bombs or IED’s in the driveway to the church we worship at, in fact we didn't even bother to look.

I could see two other churches from the parking lot of my church as I parked he pickup truck...they were different in belief and practice, yet I didn't worry about mortar shells coming from those churches trying to kill all of us Church of Christ Believers.

If this sounds something you wish you could say about your nation....well it could happen.

If you have a God, believe.

If you are happy being clueless, enjoy threatening and terrorizing everyone else, while you have nothing but the hate of your religion to enjoy??????

Hatred is nothing we use in America.

Hatred is an Islamic thing. Yes it is, in this time of time, Islam is the killer, hater, and destroyer of all that is nice, peaceful and enjoyable.

And I'm not sorry for pointing this out. I have worshipped for over 20 years at one church....thousands upon thousands of hours of worship, and we as a congregation have yet to have uttered or heard a word of hate toward those that believe differently. Nor one word, not even a hint at hatred or ill feelings toward those that believe differently.

Here is how I see it.

If there is a God that created all, knows all, and has the future planned out......

I am sure he is God of all humans that breathe the same air as me......

I am not better, or worse that anyone that is different (at first glance) than me.

If God was a respecter of persons......I would walk away from God, and face the consequences.

If I am worshipping a God, it is a God of Love, not hate, beheadings, car bombs, suicide bombers, mosque bombers or terrorists.

The God I know is a God of Love not Dominion.