Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I haven’t tackled many social problems lately. I have been really depressed lately about what I see America becoming. You may not agree with me on this, but this has been on my mind for sometime now, I keep putting off writing about it, but, well here goes.

Great day in court for a sexual predator.

ORLANDO, Fla. 03.21.06, State prosecutors are dropping the charges against former Tampa teacher Debra Lafave, who was accused of having sex with a 14-year-old middle school student.

Here are a few opinions of mine, they are opinions arrived at by reading, studying and researching.

1. The teachers union NEA has a larger percentage of pedophiles in their ranks than the Catholic Church Hierarchy has ever had.
2. The great experiment in Democracy called America, has become the great experiment in debauchery.
3. America will never win the war on terror.

Got your attention yet? I want to start discussing my #3 observation first.

America will never win the war on terror; until America as a nation repents, (turns from evil) and embraces godliness again!
Yes, we have the most magnificent military ever assembled and equipped in all of this planets history, but until we as a nation repent, we will not win any war against another evil civilization. THINK.
No, we are not going to lose, but we won’t win while our society is like it is.
What do I mean by that? Just this; the war on terror will never be won if we don’t become a nation worthy of God’s protection again. God has been kicked out of every public place, SO WHY WOULD GOD PROTECT US AS A NATION???? This isn’t that hard to understand, unless you don’t want to know the truth.
If we as a nation refuse to repent and turn to God, we will have to keep fighting this war without hope of victory, because God is no longer on our side. Oh yes make fun, sing that old Bob Dylan song, “and the muslims they too have God on their side” (Yes I know it was russians not muslims) but let your conscience consider what America is today. If you honestly thing about all that is unfolding on Earth’s stage today… will get down on your knees and pray an earnest prayer to the one who has His finger on the on and off switch. It is that close to the end of the Earth. No, it is not global warming Algore, it is global sin that is ushering in the end.

I want to start discussing my third observation first.
About the war…..have you ever read some of Bin Laden’s reasons for wanting to rid the world of Americans? I dare you. In his early writings….1990-2000, he clearly points out that he is fighting for the survival of decency. He rails against homosexuals in high places of America’s Government. He rails against the public displays of debauchery in America. He rails against the immoral Hollywood Movies, and the glamorization of sex in America.

He’s quite the prude isn’t he?
Think again, he is a evil killer, but the reasons he gives to rationalize his behavior are ones we shouldn’t dismiss lightly.
Think about a muslim father or mother trying to protect their children from the likes of Hollywood, HIV, NEA and MTV.
Their concern is justified, but the way they want to go about correcting the problem is wrong. KILL EVERYONE THAT DISAGREES?
I am a very disagreeable person.......I thank God I was born in America, I would not have become a teenager in a Muslim Nation, because I love to speak my mind, and just because you believe something, gives you no right to hate what I believe, and my nation (AMERICA) goes to war to protect peoples right to be free.
In this age of instantaneous media and communication, it is impossible for parents to shield their children from the filth of America. On cable news, in Hollywood movies, and on the internet, muslims can see American homosexuals kissing in mock marriage ceremonies, pop singers baring breasts at Super Bowl halftime shows, they read about a
PRESIDENT who takes advantage of naïve girls in the White House’s oval office, they hear the gangsta rappers degrading women and a host of other filth that no muslim wants his children to be subjected to. The peddlers of smut, ungodliness and immoral behavior try to push it down the worlds throats. That is how they make their millions, and they won’t let their children attend public schools, watch MTV, or spend time cruising the internet.

We as Americans have no trouble with it invading and pervading our nation, we seem unshockable. (Or perhaps gutless is more accurate, since MSWord says unshockable isn’t a word)

It is as if we are blind robots that cannot be offended. Well not all of us are puppets of the devil, some fine people in America are fighting against this moral decay, but it looks to be a just another unwinnable war.

I can see this is going to be a long article, this is just an introduction. Take my three observations and ponder. Some of my views will shock you. You know I want us to win the war on terror, but can that happen if we don’t examine all of the factors of why many want us dead? NO

This thought will be finished, and it may take tens of thousands of words……I’ll publish the rest of this thought here on my catch all blog….Continue Reading……


Blogger Phred said...

I agree. You could write a whole other blog on bizzare things the government and military have done. Do you know who helped build the tunnel and cave network in Afghanistan ?
Our CIA . It was done back when we/they were fighting the Soviets there.
That list goes on and on , I won`t take up time and space here.
One past Ayatollah from Iran said,'' we don`t hate the American people, but we do hate their politicians''.
If you have the real facts, can you understand why they feel the way they do ??
I am NOT defending these people, some of them, are murderers. I have little stomach for someone who abuses women, and kills innocent civilians, and then runs off to hide in a cave or wears a rag on his head and then takes it off and blends in to the population. This is not war. They are the actions of a coward !
But my original point was...we give them fuel for the fire.

P.S. Don`t forget the fact that they hate the Jews.

4:42 AM  
Blogger web_loafer said...

Be assured the muslim world will not let me forget that they hate Jews. They broadcast it openly and it shocks no one.
Thanks for reading and commenting on this thought. It is worrisome, but I have an inner peace because I know the one who has His finger poised over the on and off switch.
My only problem is that of time, not enough of it to research this as much as I wish. Just practicing for retirement.
Great to have you as a reader and commentor.

8:45 AM  

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