Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Sucker Punched

I should have seen it coming. There was plenty of warning. Some people have been sounding the warning for years, I was asleep.
Now in front of all the citizens of America, I want to apologize for the votes I castIn both 2000 and 2004, for George W. Bush.
George Walker Bush is a decent human, a role model and honest person, but he has a jaded view of the Southwest that is putting our nation in peril. Yes I'm talking about the 10,000 people a day that cross our nations borders ILLEGALLY.

Now he wants to grant them citizenship for breaking and entering. How someone so right on so many important things, taxes, war on terror, Iraq and Social Security could be totally wrong about a BIG PROBLEM, is beyond me. George W. Bush is completely wrong on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, and most of America knows it.

This and this alone will be the downfall of the Republican Party in 2006 and 2008.Yes, get ready for a Democratic regime that will include a disgraceful double cross of the Iraqi’s, a huge tax increase, and a significant lowering of your wage.

I don't have too much to be afraid of though, I will be stepping away from the working force, and enjoying the largesse of the Government. It will only get better with Democrats in power, for they love the dependant class. My social security won't be the only thing keeping dog food on my table..LOL..but I'll make sure I use my relaxed fat cat time lobbying for more government largesse for me.

Again, in front of all the citizens of America,
I want to apologize for the votes I cast
In both 2000 and 2004, for George W. Bush.

Yes I know, the alternative was even worse, but it should have been evident in early 2001, long before 9-11, that George Bush is weak on lawbreakers. We send troops half way around the world to round up lawbreakers, but not one finger is lifted to protect our citizens from the invading hordes of lawbreakers. Those hordes invading our sovereign nation without fear of punishment could be terrorists carrying WMD's, drugs or other people whose intent is to harm America. Or it could be a poor uneducated peasant of Mexico who wants to have a better life for his or her family, but unknowingly is bringing Tuberculosis and other diseases to our cities.

Oh but all of the illegals working in America, will get you a better price on lawn service, roofing and nannying.

Within weeks after the 2001 inauguration, President Bush traveled to Mexico, for talks with Vincentia Fox.

I remember thinking, “Good, maybe now we can see a slowdown of illegal aliens invading our nation, and some real effort at stopping the drug and alien smuggling”.

Something seemed a little strange at the time, because President Bush was publicly fawning over Vincentia Fox, in a strange fashion, but like I said, I shrugged it off, and got back to working hard to support my family and pay the ridiculous taxes needed to support the welfare state of America.

It was not as if no one was sounding the warning.

I want to introduce you to some articles from 2001. It will break your heart to read some of the articles in the early months of 2001.Open your eyes to what is happening.

Click here to visit the 2001, archive of articles from American Patrol

Glenn Spencer of American Patrol, has been sounding the alarm for years, and of course he is vilified by the msm, but

I want to thank Glenn for standing up when most of us were asleep at the helm.

Now let me be frank
, I feel like a battered voter.

I vote Republican,
get beat up,
but when the Republicans promise to treat me right,
I go back to them,
only to get abused even more.
I am a battered voter!

What is wrong with me, I know that their promises are empty, like my pockets are becoming, but they keep promising to do the things I want to see done.

Yes, I'm a battered voter, but with your support, maybe I can leave this abusive affair. I need shelter. Help me, and help your nation......WAKE UP.

This rant is in no way an endorsement of the Democratic Party of the USofA. I would not vote for anyone who would put a D after their name, and run for office. WHY? I'll tell you why, I have read the platform of the Democrat Party, and it is just a small step away from total socialism. I don't want to see America turn socialist, then communist, and have my grandchildren enslaved to a demonic government, waiting for a Ronald Reagan to arrive on the scene, to bring dignity and prosperity back.


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