How muslims treat Christians
(Reuters) Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told President Hamid Karzai by telephone the United States wanted Afghanistan, where U.S. troops are fighting anti-government Islamic extremists, to show it respects religious freedom by resolving the case quickly.
Her call to the close U.S. ally came a day after Bush vowed to use U.S. leverage over Afghanistan to make sure Abdur Rahman's right to choose his religion was upheld.
Under the pressure, which was reinforced by several U.S. allies supporting Afghanistan with aid and troops, Karzai has pledged Rahman would not be executed, according to the Canadian government.
But Muslim clerics say Abdul Rahman will be murdered if he is freed. Read below.
Muslim Clerics say:
They Will Incite People To ‘Pull Him Into Pieces’
This article is from the website
Want to know how the war is going? The USofA has through military might freed 25 million poor, repressed, uneducated Afganistan slaves to the Taliban. Blood, much blood was spilt to free these people. What do they do with their freedom………………….I am sick. Level the mosques now, these animals are from hell itself. Rid the world of these vermin, or learn to live with ‘em. And that will require you to denounce the Saviour of God’s Creation, Jesus Christ. I am physically sick from having to deal with this mentally. Come quickly Lord Jesus, your church awaits.
"Rejecting Islam is insulting God. We will not allow God to be humiliated. This man must die," said cleric Abdul Raoulf, who is considered a moderate and was jailed three times for opposing the Taliban before the hardline regime was ousted in 2001.
"The government is scared of the international community. But the people will kill him if he is freed," said Hamidullah, chief cleric at Haji Yacob Mosque.
"Cut off his head!" Raoulf exclaimed, sitting in a courtyard outside Herati Mosque. "We will call on the people to pull him into pieces so there's nothing left."
He said the only way for Rahman to survive would be for him to go into exile outside Afghanistan.
"If he is allowed to live in the West then others will claim to be Christian so they can too," stated Said Mirhossain Nasri, the top cleric at Hossainia Mosque, one of the largest Shiite places of worship in Kabul said. "We must set an example. ... He must be hanged."
The clerics said they were angry with the United States and other countries for pushing for Rahman's freedom.
"We are a small country and we welcome the help the outside world is giving us, but please don't interfere in this issue," Nasri said. "We are Muslims and these are our beliefs. This is much more important to us than all the aid the world has given us."
"The government will lose the support of the people," he said. "What sort of democracy would it be if the government ignored the will of all the people."
I feel sick. They want “the help the outside world is giving” them -- CONSISTING MOSTLY OF CHRISTIAN NATIONS AND SOLDIERS! -- yet they want to kill Christians if they reject Islam.
Kill him! Hang him! Tear him to pieces! Cut off his head! We got rid of the Taliban for this? These so-called “moderate” Muslims?
The Muslim world was outraged over a cartoon depicting Mohammed as a suicide bomber. Yet, the world is supposed to turn a blind eye and stay out of their business when they tear a Christian into little pieces! Lunacy!
Afghan Court Trying To Seek ‘Good Solution’ In Death Penalty Case
The judge handling the case, Ansarullah Mawlavizada, said the courts were trying to find a "good solution" which could include persuading Rahman to revert to Islam.
"This is a sensitive issue -- we are trying our best to handle it quickly," he told AFP.
"Since Islam is a religion of mercy, kindness and tolerance, we will try to find a good solution. We are trying our best to persuade the man to convert back to Islam."
On Wednesday Mawlavizada said that "if he doesn't revert back to Islam, he's going to receive the death penalty, according to the law".
The United States has about 16,000 troops in Afghanistan and is the main donor to the war-torn country.
Afghan President Hamid Karzai's office has tried to sidestep the row by saying the judiciary is independent.
Islam is a religion of "mercy" and "kindness" and "tolerance," but Mr. Rahman is "going to receive the death penalty" if he doesn't revert back to Islam. Huh?
If they don't understand the meaning of mercy, kindness and tolerance, I guess it would be too much to ask the President of Afghanistan to understand the country's own constitution.
The judiciary is NOT independent of the president in cases of capital punishment, as the spokesman says. The Afghan constitution clearly states:
“All specific decisions of the courts are enforceable, except for capital punishment, which is conditional upon approval of the President.” Article One Hundred and twenty nine Ch. 7. Art. 14
Afghan Christian May Be Mentally Unfit For Trial
(AP Online) An Afghan man facing a possible death penalty for converting from Islam to Christianity may be mentally unfit to stand trial, a state prosecutor said Wednesday amid growing international condemnation of the case.
Abdul Rahman, 41, has been charged with rejecting Islam, a crime under this country's Islamic laws. His trial started last week and he confessed to becoming a Christian 16 years ago. If convicted, he could be executed.
"We think he could be mad. He is not a normal person. He doesn't talk like a normal person," prosecutor Sarinwal Zamari told The Associated Press.
Moayuddin Baluch, a religious adviser to President Hamid Karzai, said Rahman would undergo a psychological examination.
"If he is mentally unfit, definitely Islam has no claim to punish him," he said. "He must be forgiven. The case must be dropped."
Abdul Rahman may not be an Islamic apostate after all. Just crazy, a mad man, a gibbering lunatic. It’s one thing to kill a Christian convert, but it’s entirely different to kill a mad man – those they let loose out on the street.
To be sure, there are mad men and lunatics rousting about the streets of Afghanistan, but it isn’t Mr. Rahman. How about that Afghan jailer who boasted a couple days ago, “We will cut him to into little pieces”? That’s pretty fanatical. How about those Afghanis who believe Christians should be put to death? That’s pretty insane.
There’s still plenty of danger ahead for Mr. Rahman. And the fate of his life is far from settled. But if he’s let out of jail as a stark-raving lunatic, then Afghanistan is just buying time until the next apostate meets his executioner.
The Afghanistan constitution needs to be changed or our troops need to go home.
What Others Are Saying About Abdul Rahman
President George Bush: "We have got influence in Afghanistan and we are going to use it. It is deeply troubling that a country we helped liberate would hold a person to account because they chose a particular religion over another." Agence France Presse
Australia Foreign Minister Alexander Downer: "We obviously wouldn't want to see anybody face execution just for exercising their freedom of religion. So bearing in mind this case has arisen, we're raising it with the Afghan government.” Australian Associated Press
US Senator Sam Brownback: "If Mr. Rahman is sentenced to death, it would be a grievous violation of (the Afghan) constitution and this fundamental tenet of the Universal Declaration of human rights.” Agence France Presse
Afghan Christian Abdul Rahman: "They want to sentence me to death and I accept it, but I am not a deserter and not an infidel. I am a Christian, which means I believe in the Trinity." (AP Online)
Mohammed Jan, who lives opposite Rahman's father: "For 30 years, we have fought religious wars in this country and there is no way we are going to allow an Afghan to insult us by becoming Christian, This has brought so much shame." (AP Online)
NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer: "I would hope and I would also insist that somebody who converts from Islam to Christianity would not have (to), on the basis of that step that he took in his personal life, face the law." AP Worldstream
Afghan Economics Minister Amin Farhang: "He'll get a fair trial.” Deutsche Presse-Agentur
Christian Outrage Growing
Jim Geraghty, a contributing editor to National Review
The Bush administration ignores the growing outrage over Rahman's ordeal at their peril. Much of the president's base is already rethinking their views on Islam; if the Afghanis kill Rahman, many of America's Christians will be ready to pull out of Afghanistan and end any further aid to a government that declares war on Christian converts. It is not unthinkable that some would prefer to bomb this new Afghani government as mercilessly as we bombed the Taliban.
To kill a man for following another faith must be a deal-breaker.
Jihad Backs Hamas Refusal To Recognize Israel
(Agence France Presse) The extremist Islamic Jihad pledged its support Wednesday for the incoming Hamas government's refusal to recognize Israel, saying such a move was a "red line" that cannot be crossed.
"We reject the pressure and international provocation ... against Hamas to force it to recognize the Zionist state of Israel, recognize the humiliating agreements (previously signed between the Palestinian Authority and Israel) and abandon the resistance," Khader Habib, a leader of Jihad, told reporters.
"The recognition of Israel must be a red line," added Habid at a press conference.
Muslim Terrorists Wanted To Punish Britain With Murder
(The Epress) A gang of British Muslims plotted to blow up "pubs, nightclubs or trains" in a bombing campaign to bring jihad to the UK, the Old Bailey heard yesterday.
The terrorists aimed to punish Britain with murder and destruction for its support of the US.
One of the conspirators even boasted they were working for the "number three" in Al Qaeda.
As part of the plot, gang members went to Pakistan to learn how to construct bombs using ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder set off by a detonator, the court heard.
But the plan was stopped in the nick of time after a covert surveillance operation by Scotland Yard and MI5.
The gang were rounded up in March 2004 as their "plans were moving towards the final phase", said David Waters QC, prosecuting.
Terror Plotters Sought Atomic Weapon, Prosecutor Says
(AP Worldstream) A member of a gang of al-Qaida-linked terrorists plotting attacks on Britain had attempted to buy a radioactive dirty bomb, a prosecutor told a jury trying seven men on terrorism charges Wednesday.
Salahuddin Amin, 31, contacted an intermediary about the purchase of a radioisotope bomb and was told it could be supplied by Russian mafia criminals based in Belgium, prosecutor David Waters told London's Central Criminal Court.
Waters said Amin had been instructed to carry out negotiations by a man he had met at alleged terrorist training camps in Pakistan.
Amin and six other men are accused of conspiring to cause explosions and had drawn up a long list of potential bombing targets, including Britain's electricity network, one of London's biggest nightclubs and one of the country's largest shopping malls.
Germany May Require Would-Be Immigrants To Answer Questions About Homosexuality And Nudity
Late last week, it was reported that Dutch immigrants must watch “gay” kissing and topless women videos before being allowed to settle in the Netherlands. It’s all designed to keep out folks who wouldn’t integrate well into their liberal society (fundamentalist Muslims, maybe?)
Germany apparently likes the idea but is looking for a gentler approach – a list of questions on gay kissing and nudity... some additional questions that most citizens of Germany probably couldn’t answer.
VIENNA, March 22, 2006, ( – "What do you know about the Holocaust? Define Israel's right to exist? Are you offended when you see two homos kissing one another?"…etc. These are some of the questions in a racy test would-be immigrants in Germany may have to sit in for, also including watching sex scenes.
Hessen state has approved a 100-question test that examines the general knowledge of would-be immigrants to the European country but it will not come into effect until approved by the German parliament in June.
German state authorities said that the test package aims at giving an accurate and real portrait of the German society so that potential immigrants would not be shocked by its traditions and cultures.
In addition, immigrants will have to respond to questions on German geography, history, constitution, culture, science, sports as well as its political, judiciary and social systems.
"Who is the first German chancellor? What meeting was held in Pawel Church in Frankfort in 1848?" are some of the questions on the suggested test.
Hessen state government called other German states to adopt the test.
Ministers of Interiors of German states will meet in May to discuss the unified rules for tests of would-be migrants to resolve any controversy before endorsing the new immigration law.
German Minister of Interior Wolfgang Schäuble welcomed the Hessen state move.