Saturday, August 30, 2008

Please answer these 12 questions Barack

A dozen questions, that I, (an average, common, taxpaying, legal American CITIZEN and Patriot) Would ask Barack Hussein Obama, if he ever decided to listen to the citizens of the United States of America.
1. Does a woman have to masquerade as a male to get anywhere in the Democrat Party?
2. What is behind the wall of silence the mean spirited media has built around you Barack?
3. If I question a known Marxist’s patriotism, does that make me unpatriotic?
4. About experience: Is sitting in a seat quietly, or calling in sick, or voting to abstain or being absence when Senatorial votes are taken, make one a leader?
5. So, you are a leader, may I examine those you have lead in the last 20 years?
6. Did/Does Rev. Wright lead you, or do/did he lead you for 20 years?
7. Did you learn anything from the bomb making America hating Bill Ayres, or did you teach him how to love the nation I love? Perhaps we should ask him, if we could breach the wall of silence the mean spirited media has set between you and your marxist friends?
8. If your friend, Father? Flagler had his desire, every caucasian person in America, would have their 401k’s seized by the government, and redistributed to all the descendants of slaves. Two questions: What about the indentured (another word for slave) servants who came here to this part of the world? AND, since you are 50% caucasian, would you like to have half of your wealth seized by your friend Flocky Fleger?
9. What do you think about truck drivers, who will have to take home less pay if your ridiculous tax plan is ever enacted? (Enacted, that is the wrong word) Barack. I know of no Congress that has done less for America, than the one now in session. Oh, I’m sorry, they all took a vacation when the questions started, and so you all went home vowing to ponder and solve our nation’s emergencies, like heck!
10. Democraps take a vacation when the citizens start asking questions or demanding action. Where will you take your vacations if elected president, and who would you take with you on the Taxpayers AirForceOne?
11. What did you promise Bill and Hillary? Bill our ambassador to the U.N.? Hillary a robe of a Supreme Court Justice?
12. And finally, have you any problems with this historical document? Do you have a clue as to what this is? IF YOU AND I TOOK THE SAME TEST ON AMERICAN HISTORY, WHO WOULD ANSWER MORE QUESTIONS CORRECTLY? WOULD IT EVEN BE CLOSE.

have you any problems with this historical document?

Agreement Between the Settlers at New Plymouth : 1620

We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a Voyage to plant the first Colony in the northern Parts of Virginia; Do by these Presents, solemnly and mutually, in the Presence of God and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid: And by Virtue hereof do enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions, and Officers, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general Good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due Submission and Obedience. IN WITNESS whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape-Cod the eleventh of November, in the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth, Anno Domini; 1620.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Good Speech Obama

Barack Hussein Obama is probably one of the greatest speakers of the English language alive today.

And he speaks the Queens Language, not ebonics. (NO STUPID SPELL CHECK, EBONICS SHOULD NOT BE CAPITALIZED, IT ISN'T A LANGUAGE, so it shouldn't be capitalized)

It was fitting that he gave this speech on the anniversary of one of the best speeches of all times, M.L.K's 'I have a dream' speech.

I wasn't in Washington D.C. when M.L.K gave that speech, but every time I see the video and hear the audio of the 'I have a dream' speech, I have a tingling from my shoulders up to my cranium, and consider that speech to be one of the greatest American speeches of all times, yes right up there with Lincoln's Gettysburg Address and George Washington's farewell address. I'm not a phony 'johnny come lately liberal', I was working behind the scenes for justice in those turbulent and often violent days of the 1960's, but I did have a chance to witness Correta Scott King speak at Kezar Stadium in San Fransicko, way back then, while her husband spoke elsewhere in the USofA.

No one wrote that 'I have a dream" speech for Martin Luther King, that was from his soul, and I wish I had been there to hear such greatness.

Senator Obama's speech writers are phenomenal at their trade.

But 40 years from now, Obama's acceptance speech in the Hollywood (GREEK?) set at mile high stadium will be no more than a footnote in the history book of the USofA.

Without telling us much about how he would do it, Barack told us he is going to solve all of our problems. No specifics and lots of fluff, and too much arrogance for me.

Here's a good one, Barack challenging McCain to debate? Barack has steadfastly refused to debate or do anything but read speeches someone writes for him. He is extremely fearful of town hall meetings, you know, ones like Bill Clinton mastered; because, without a speech writer, Barack is clueless.

He well might be our next president, but without a teleprompter he speaks like George W. Bush, and can't think on his feet. Overall? A good speech for the ones already on board the Obama Train to equal poverty and misery for all, but it did nothing for me, at all.

And by the way, he stated he will give tax cuts to 95% of us. That is impossible, 50% of American's of voting age, PAY NO FEDERAL TAX AT ALL, and a good percentage of those freeloaders, are given some of my tax money on tax day. Never paid a dime but get a check drawn from the taxpayers wallet. Barack can spin it forever, but I do my own taxes, make my own paycheck, and thanks to the much hated George W. tax cuts, I had about ten thousand dollars more in dollars that was not taken from me by the government in the last four years of the Bush administration.

So if the George W. tax cuts are not renewed, my family will pay more than ten thousand dollars more in the next four years than the last four years.

Nope, I'm not in the top 5%, but I'll still pay more in taxes, much more if Obama is sworn in as our next president.

I am sick and tired of hearing several breaks for the rich....the richest 5% of American taxpayers pay almost 40% of the taxes the fed's collect. If they decide to leave, close up factories and businesses, the whole amount of tax revenue left to the government would not even pay for 5% of our nations needs.

I don't hate, lie about or envy that 5% of America, I want that 5% to prosper, yes, prosper, so that they can do more good for this nation, and so my paychecks don't bounce.

How many Cuban taxpayers would it take to buy one F18a fighterjet?

I'll tell you, twenty time's more than all of the peons of Cuban socialism make in twenty years.

No, I am not in that richest 5% so why should I care? I'll tell you why, My boss is in that 5%, and if he is taxed more, he might close the doors on a business that is already taxed too much. The reason companies leave the USofA, is mostly due to over regulation and over taxation.

Oh, yes, Obama threw a dime to Union Workers....thanks. I have been a dues paying Teamster for over a quarter of a century, and the plans the Democrats have for my workplace, make me glad I'm on the last miles of my journey in the trucking industry.

Nice fluffy dream Obama, but nothing like the dream Dr. Martin Luther King had.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Job well done China

Congratulations China, on a job well done.

CHINA, after the games are over, will you help the sane people of the world, defeat radical islam?

Sure, we know you sell weapons to the perverts of islam, who have much oil profit money, but methinks you don’t want the world dominated by religious killers. I have a hunch, that islam will meet it’s match when it starts beheading peaceful Chinese. You have a proud history and are a proud people and you deserve a peaceful world. World peace will never happen until the killers of islam are slain on the battlefield they will chose. I suspect it will be somewhere in Asia, and probably your ancient part of this ancient world. Muhammad’s madmen don’t have the truth of history on their side, China was a great society before Mohammed was born.

Radical muslims don’t want peace, everywhere Islam arrives, poverty, bloodshed, torture and male chauvinism abound.

There is not one Islamic state upon this blue marble in space, where women are respected, Christians and Jews are not hated, and 99% of the populace are not dirt poor, hungry and wishing they had a taste of what freedom from the imams and sheiks of islam would bring them.

Again, great opening ceremony China. I was driving truck when the opening ceremony was finally shown on USofA television, and NBC is hording the video’s of the ceremony, but I saw a few snippets of the ceremony, and can’t wait to see the whole of it. Of all networks to present a world event, NBC is without doubt the network to add it’s own hatred of the USofA into the mix. Thank God for the internet. Stick it NBC, where the sun doesn’t shine.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

BHO, the personal saviour, jesus or president

You may find it strange that Depeche Mode’s Personal Jesus is a video I like. It is sacrilegious, but I enjoy talent as much as the other guy. First view a visual parody of the song, you know I can see Obama singing this (if he had a teleprompter) and actually believing he is the one we have been waiting for. Then enjoy Depeche Mode’s original version, then see Marilyn Manson’s great video of the song. Johnny Cash did a video, but I couldn’t find it, but if I do I’ll share it too.

Personal Obama

Depeche Mode

Marilyn Manson

I couldn’t embed this video but here is a link to a socalled ‘clean’ version. What was so dirty about the original?

Clean? Version

Finally found a Johnny Cash audio of the song.