Saturday, August 09, 2008

Job well done China

Congratulations China, on a job well done.

CHINA, after the games are over, will you help the sane people of the world, defeat radical islam?

Sure, we know you sell weapons to the perverts of islam, who have much oil profit money, but methinks you don’t want the world dominated by religious killers. I have a hunch, that islam will meet it’s match when it starts beheading peaceful Chinese. You have a proud history and are a proud people and you deserve a peaceful world. World peace will never happen until the killers of islam are slain on the battlefield they will chose. I suspect it will be somewhere in Asia, and probably your ancient part of this ancient world. Muhammad’s madmen don’t have the truth of history on their side, China was a great society before Mohammed was born.

Radical muslims don’t want peace, everywhere Islam arrives, poverty, bloodshed, torture and male chauvinism abound.

There is not one Islamic state upon this blue marble in space, where women are respected, Christians and Jews are not hated, and 99% of the populace are not dirt poor, hungry and wishing they had a taste of what freedom from the imams and sheiks of islam would bring them.

Again, great opening ceremony China. I was driving truck when the opening ceremony was finally shown on USofA television, and NBC is hording the video’s of the ceremony, but I saw a few snippets of the ceremony, and can’t wait to see the whole of it. Of all networks to present a world event, NBC is without doubt the network to add it’s own hatred of the USofA into the mix. Thank God for the internet. Stick it NBC, where the sun doesn’t shine.


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