Thursday, June 15, 2006

This was a blog, now it is an entry at another

A novel novel that is novel,

and 21st century correct, but not politically correct in the style of the Americano’s.

The whooosh whooosh whooosh of the helicopter blades at idle was almost a relaxing sound, but John knew there was a mission that had to be done. Don’t second guess, John recalled, the Lieutenant knows what needs to be done, and has briefed me on any and everything that could possibly happen..

Four hops, three stops….that was today’s mission.

First, there was a pickup from the seaport _____________. It was a pickup of aged, scraped and stretched pork hides from
America that would be delivered to a supply base. There, the pork hides would be sourced out and made into comfortable gloves for the pilots, truck drivers, and snipers involved in this war. What magnificent sacrifice (read….eaten) American pigs had made to the war effort.

The second pickup was to be at a base___________________where Mohammad Akbo Totoff was being held as a prisoner of war, but had to be transferred from the military prison to the base________________ where the Red Cross (Marxist Sluts) were available when sober, to determine if the USofA military was castrating anyone. They had to interview the killer, I’m sure you can think of some of the things he would be complaining to the Red Cross about.

1. Rough toilet tissue,

2. Lousy food,

3. No communication with the other members of his terrorist cell.

4. Toilets that faced Mecca,

5. Lack of 5 calls each day to pray, and,

6. The poor quality of the fig sauce he was given with his lamb chops. Hmmm….perhaps he should try to live by eating MMR’s.

I’m tired of all of this……..give ‘em hell is a better approach than give them all they are accustomed to. Because after all, we haven’t even tried to understand them or figure out why they hate us so. They probably hate us because they hate themselves, for not being able to enslave all of the infidels before the infidels escape harms way.

The pilot of the ____________________ helicopter knew there would be friendlies galore at _______________, where the third stop was to take place. This was the stop where everyone on the helicopter knew, a little treat would be added to their dangerous day.
Anonymous care packages, packages of the little things that hardened Marines, and other warriors missed. Little things like Baby Wipes…..yes, yes, yes John thought. And the skin lotion that no Marine would admit they used or liked. And the anonymous thank you postcards from
America. John’s sunburned, blistered, healed, burned again face had a smile, a broad, sincere smile when he thought about all the love packages he knew would soon be loaded onto the monster machine thrashing air to stay in the sky.

First pickup was fast and correct, not a wasted step was taken by those that had a task to do, and wanted to DO IT for
America. No praise was offered, but a few hardened faces broke a little smile……but it was not talked about…..there was a job to do … the ____________chopper lifted up, and pelted all of the support soldiers with little sand bullets….John looked out the bulletproof window and noticed a few waves and salutes. But it was time to head for the second touchdown, since the pigskins on skids were aboard and secured.

John knew the second touchdown would be a twenty second stop…..the________________helicopter would not have its rudders on Terra Firma for more than twenty seconds. Now, the helicopter was on a fast, furious hop to ___________where there was to be a prisoner of war pickup, and had to be scheduled so that helicopter and prisoner arrived at the same flat ground at the same time. It would be impossible for anyone to realize what was being done…..a vicious killer of islam was being shoved onto a helicopter that was only on Terra Firma for twenty seconds.

Mohammad Akbo Totoff was onboard, and the _______________helicopter was at it's maximum height in a few minutes. John's first impression of Totoff was, This man emits hatred from his very pores. This man had sent hundreds of stupid brainwashed boys on suicide missions so the blood of thousands was on his chubby fingers and hands. He had that strong jaw look, as if to say "you'll never break me infidel"

We'll see thought John. Now it was time for the proposal. Mohammad Akbo Totoff had never acknowledged that he understood and spoke English, so the next sequence of events were almost comical.

"Unshackle him" John told the two MP's...."He can't escape, unless he can fly...."

After Akbo Tatoff was unshackled he had a puzzled look on his face. He stood up and walked to the corner farthest away from the open door. In front of that door stood the two MP's with their hands around the grips of their pistols....ready.....

One Marine kicked a small stool toward Tatoff, and he took it and sat down on it.

Now everyone ignored Tatoff, and grouped around the large pallet of salted and scraped pigskins.

"Did you know a muslim will not touch a pigs skin? One marine started the conversation rolling...."Why?" Another asked.

"They consider pigs, and pigskins to be unclean, Allah doesn't like chic chicaronnes.”

After the laughter died down, John grabbed a pigskin from the top of the pallet and pulled it loose from the pile.

“Do you think Tatoff would like to sit on this? He has been so uncooperative and the translators say he has given us no info……so what do you think? Should we wrap him up in some of these pigskins?”

Two Marines said simultaneously, Yeah, then shove him out. At this altitude he’ll end up as a pile of pork skin and terrorist.

“Yeah let’s wrap him.”

“Let’s roll”

Three Marines grabbed the by now terrified Tatoff and proceeded to wrap and secure pigskins around each leg, arm and one around his torso….leaving only his head unwrapped. The terrified Tatoff started rattling off names and facts in Arabic, but the Marines ignored him and talked quite loudly about how big of a puddle of porkified terrorist Tatoff would make on the desert below.

Terrified himself, Tatoff blurted out in understandable English……”No, Please, I’ll give you any information….anything…..please don’t let me die out of favor with Allah, What do you want to know……?

At this very moment someone from the flight deck appeared with tape recorder, and a plate of figs……One of Tatoff’s arms was released from his porkskin bindings and he munched on figs while he spoke in Arabic to the translater with the tape recorder.

For two hours, the helicopter idled at maximum height in fuel saving mode, with a terrified terrorist inside spilling his guts…..

Now in a well rehearsed manner, three marines started arguing loudly amongst themselves about what they should do now with Tatoff.

“Toss Him”

“No, he may have more information”

“He is lying now, I can tell….He can’t fool me”

“We’ll bring it up with John.”

“Toss him out so that he lands on the spire of the _________mosque.”

“Yes….that’s good Leroy, let’s wrap him up and toss him”

The three Marines crowd in on Tatoff and push the translater aside and tell him…”Get out of the way, and if you cannot keep a secret…..get back to the flight deck, NOW.”

The translater hurries to the deck and the three Marines grab the terrified terrorist and start completely wrapping the terrorist up in fine, soft pig skins. The terrorists loses control of his bowels, but other than the smell, it is all pigskin and terror.

Now Tatoff is completely wrapped in pigskins and he hears John shouting out the order to the flight deck….

“Maximium ceiling and proceed to __________mosque corridor. Stand by to toss…….”

The slightly musky smell of the pigskins in which Tatoff was wrapped in, was overwhelmed with the smell of fear and feces.

“Starboard 45 degrees, approaching _____________mosque.

Hey it looks like they are all on their prayer rugs, look, hundreds of them. What a surprise they will have”

“Pork from the sky….”

Tatoff’s bladder could not hold on, it gave way too, and the mixture of feces and urine and pigskins was overpowering.

Now over the intercom a loud no nonsense voice said……..”Ten seconds to drop zone”

Two of the three Marines grabbed the bundle of pigskin and terrorist and lifted it off of the flight deck and walked to the door and tossed the bundle out the door……..

Of course the_______helicopter was no more than three feet above the sand of the third stop area.

This creation of mine will be continued, but already the beans have been spilled. I have an important reason for writing this story…….


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