Friday, May 26, 2006

A Long Rant

What does it take to be a great communicator? Perfect spelling when you publish something on your blog? Do all sentences you write or speak have to be correctly tensed? What about sentence structure? Time lines? If a blogger doesn't use the grammer of the elite, can there be communication? I fail in all of these catagorys, but I still try to communicate with you, because you are important to me.
After all, I don't blog for me, I blog, hoping to touch someones conscienceness with tenderness......BIG HUG would be nice now....MMMMmmmm, Did you like that mental hug?
I want the world to survive this mess the baby boomers have made of the world. It may be a pipe dream, but I wish everyone was as free as me........really..........


In my humble opinion President George Walker Bush is a great communicator, his language is more like the language of neighbors leaning on a fence talking to each other, then blowhard senators in the well on capitol hill. I can make a list of some of the worst leaders of all time, and almost all were excellant speakers, then I could list some of the worlds best leaders who stumbled with English much like our President.
Think about it.....
Hitler, Stalin and Clinton, great speakers, shallow or even evil humans.
Think about it.....
Bush, Lincoln and Moses, lousy speakers, great men who made a difference.
Then of course there is Tony Blair, he is in the third catagory,
Reagan, Thatcher and Blair, Great speakers and great leaders.

Having heard many people talking about the illegal trespassing issue in America, and yet none of them having a solution that makes any sense, HERE IS MINE.

A lot of us are upset about our government, a government that sends hundreds of thousands of its finest young people, halfway around the globe, to protect Iraq and Afghanistan’s borders, YET cannot stop one out of five hundred people attempting to trespass upon its own soil. Does this make sense folks? We send the finest young people we have, halfway around the world, and they are protecting those foreign borders at the risk of their own life. Thousands of those wonderful sons and daughters have returned in flag draped caskets, while we cannot control our own borders.

Let me talk about this problem, because no one seems to be looking into this problem with an honest heart.

Without animosity in my heart for anyone trying to find a better job, here is the truth you might know to be true, but are afraid to vocalize.

I have never had a cushy job, don’t want one, and wouldn’t take one. I like to labor, sweat and feel good when I see the results of my labor. I’ll never be a millionaire, but I know I could have been, if I had sold my soul to Satan. I chose to work. So, I have a lot in common with those who sneak across my nation’s border to work.

Let me remind you why our great nation needs workers. Are you ready to hear the truth and face up to it? The reason we have a labor shortage isn’t because American’s won’t work, it is simply because we need workers, we don’t have enough workers. We need more workers. Our wonderful nation has an unemployment rate of 4.7 %. France? France has an unemployment rate of 17%, and rising. We are able to keep all of those Americans that are employable working, and living in the greatest country in the world, working, and still that is not enough, we need more workers. The work of America will be done. It is the worlds work, and we are good at it.

There is nothing that makes me angrier than to hear someone say the six words….Doing the jobs Americans won’t Do. The hair on the back of my neck stands up when I hear those words, even if they are being spoken by a man I usually respect and admire, President George Walker Bush.
My forefathers and foremothers worked harder than the hardest working of the trespassers work today….Want proof? My forepeople made the United States of America what it is today, we are all just doing maintenance work today; the hard part has already been done.

Are you up to doing the maintenance work?

Listen up, I can tell you who should be doing those jobs….if you’ll listen to me, you’ll learn something,

Since 1973 America has allowed the abortion (MURDER) of 25,000,000 or more God created human babies to be legal. This infanticide was legal, But Not in God’s sight.

Abortion is abhorred in Mexico, and is not legal.

But in America, infanticide is praised and fought for in our nations courts by ACLU lawyers,

(Filthy rich lawyers, who have to rely on trespassers to weed their flower beds, spread the deadly chemicals upon their water greedy lawns and do the jobs that are not legal, but necessary for such important people to have such a successful look while they are in public. Some of the creeps of bannisterism have trespassers applying their makeup, cooking their meals, ironing their shirts and washing their crystal wine glasses after the orgy)

All at a reduced price, because they hire trespassers.

You may not want to hear this, but I continue…
For every potential worker that is killed in the womb of a mother, a person from another country will have to be let in to serve the rich, at a wage the baby that was murdered would never work for, if he or she had not been murdered.

It’s all about the money, greed and the lust of the leftist of Hollywood, ACLU and the perverts of San Francisco.

These Anti-Americans could not pay enough to get me to do those jobs…..because I detest them and everything they want. I won’t do those jobs because I know the ACLU lawyers, HOLLOWWOOD starlets, and rich porn merchants think they are better than me. The trespassers don’t have a handle on the greed of the leftist, lawyers and liberals, all they want is work, and they are good at work, family and faith.

One thing I can assure you of though is this,
These trespassers for the most part are not afraid to work, love life, and celebrate the birth of babies. If the libs think that these trespassers will vote enmasse for democrats in the future, they are stupid. These trespassers love life, hard work, and honesty. They will be voting Republican, or for the third party that splits from the Republican Party, because the Republican Party was lacking the backbone to rule a nation as great as America.

You hear the bigots of big government saying “Jobs that American’s won’t do” WELL that is a lie, a vicious lie, Americans outwork anyone from anywhere on any day. The bigots are making excuses for the abortion mill owners, and the doctors that find the soft spot in a living baby’s skull, and stick their finger through the soft membrane and destroy the brain tissue of a human baby that would have grown up to need a job. That is what a partial birth abortion is,
It is grisly, morbid but loved by the ACLU and Leftist Democrats. It is the sacred grail of the leftists in America. Those killer doctors are doing this grisly job, because it nets them millions a year, and under the table payoffs, and lots of perks from the George Soros sponsored charities.

This blog article has taken longer than I thought to get together; I have to get some sleep. I won’t have time to expound on the answer to the problem.
But the answer is so simple, so I’ll share it in a few sentences and write more on it in the future.

Without going into much detail which would be neverunderstandable by any recent graduate of an American High School.

Here is the quick solution.

Give Los Angeles, San Francisco and Marin County, Portland, Oregon and Seattle to the nation of Mexico….lock, stock and barrel, with one exception….any military base there, would remain American Territory in a foreign country…we’re pretty good at stuff like that.

Yes, give it to the nation of Mexico, and that’s that. Problem solved. Solved for the rest of America also…..well maybe there would be a problem with Boston and New York City.

Let the Mexican Government deal with the problems in those given back areas. It would be a win win situation.

Oh, the ACLU would no longer exist….Hallelujah.
Hollywood and the gay bay would be in foreign hands…..


I love America, and our hard working neighbors, who may in the near future help make this a better place to breathe.

I wonder where the abortionists will go to kill, if they can’t practice their ghastly trade in the New America.

It will take hard work, but we can do it. Adios Perverts, Killers and the Lazy of America, welcome America trespassers. Together we can make this nation better, hard workers, God Fearers, Life Lovers, and really down to earth people. Welcome and let’s get busy getting rid of the ACLU and their friends who shouldn’t be allowed to live in such a wonderful nation as this…..WELCOME.


Blogger Jay said...

I grew up farming, so I know what hard labor is all about. I also spent a good part of my adult life as a janitor...put myself through school and fed my kids. I was never ashamed of doing honest work, but I would rather earn a living than live to earn a paycheck every week.

The reason Mexicans come over here is not because there are no jobs in Mexico, it's just because they would much rather earn a couple hundred dollars a week rather than the equivalent all year at home. Having a high employment rate, with most people having two jobs just to survive, is meaningless to everybody except pencil pushers in DC.

As for abortion...well, I certainly won't get one. I would sure like for every baby conceived to be taken care of and allowed to have a chance for a good life. Would you be up to having our government spend the tax money on caring for those unwanted millions rather than frittering it away on tax cuts and war adventures?

When we start telling other people what decisions they must make, we assume the responsibility of that decision. It's all well and good that you may want to make choices for a woman's pregnancy...but are you willing to accept the consequences of that type of power?

7:18 AM  
Blogger web_loafer said...

Jay, the abortion question will be solved soon. Roe vs. Wade will be struck down as unconstitutional, and the question will be settled on a state by state basis. That way California will still have legalized abortions, Kansas won't. Like you said, you've never needed one, and don't forsee the need in the future. It is not my desire to direct everyone's life,I think it should be a state by state decision.

But, I hope partial birth abortion is made illegal.

But as to early term abortions? Let the seperate states decide. Let the states settle it for their own citizens.

National laws are always troublesome to some areas, regions or states, we need fewer fereral laws, not more.

I want no federal ban on abortions, again, let the states decide. I won't have to move, I know the heart and soul of Kansans, and will take the ridicule associated with being a hayseed Kansas hick. I love Kansas, and like you, I've traveled some, and know America from coast to coast. What a great bunch of people. You see, some nation had to become wealthy enough to help other stuggling nations. I believe God's hand is still upon America, and hope it remains there.

Then there is Fred Phelps.....he is a disgrace to Kansas, and I wish he would move to California, with all of his lawyer daughters.
I swear he is doing more harm to the good state of Kansas than 15 Joan Finneys could ever do.

4:37 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

I disagree about Phelps doing harm to Kansas. What better way to show that we tolerate the expression of free thought, even from nuts. Places like California or New York try to hide their warts, which only allow them to grow. Kansas is one of the few places I've been where people might not like what you say...but by golly, people here like even less having the government tell us what we can't say.

In the end, the only one being harmed is Phelps....may God have pity on his miserable soul.

7:01 AM  
Blogger EKENYERENGOZI Michael Chima said...

"I have never had a cushy job, don’t want one, and wouldn’t take one. I like to labor, sweat and feel good when I see the results of my labor. I’ll never be a millionaire, but I know I could have been, if I had sold my soul to Satan. I chose to work. So, I have a lot in common with those who sneak across my nation’s border to work."

I have also followed such a narrow path as you did above. But, I have suffered untold hardship in doing so in an African country where the majority of the literate population think your books are too intellectual for them to read and prefer to read social gossip newspapers and porn magazines and where there are no grants for artists and writers and there is no social security of any kind.

Personally I don't like illegal immigrants, the Nigerians among them in particular. The Nigerians who fled Nigeria to enter and remain in America without valid papers have not contributed to the development of Nigeria and since hundreds of thousands of Nigerians have illegally migrated to America and Europe , Nigeria has become poorer and went from bad to worse.

If Americans fled America during the Great Depression, America would not have become the greatest country in the world today.

You don't abandon your country when your country needs you most.

All illegal immigrants should be sent back to their countries to go and join their fellow compatriots to develop their respective countries and make them comfortable enough for them to live there instead of running away to America and Europe in search of an Eldorado.

God bless.

12:12 PM  
Blogger Gunny John said...

Great post WL. Sage, and others, seem to think that abortion is a choice that only affects a "pregnant person." I guess they don't view that living, moving human in the womb as a person. While there may be many situations that would not be viewed by many as murder, such as a fetus that wouldn't live anyway, the result of incest, etc, killing an unborn child is just that. It's even sadder that so many are killed out of convenience: "I can't raise a child right now!"

As far as giving Mexifornia away, I disagree. We should take it back. Deport the criminals, and boot the criminal supporters, and lefty loons out of office. That may not be as simple and convenient as surrendering that state to Mexico, but I just can't support the idea of giving up. Besides, if we give it to Mexico, it too will become a cesspool and the hoarde of liberal whackos that live there now will move to places like Kansas.

12:02 AM  

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