Saturday, June 24, 2006

Fourth of July

A Look into the future, by an old man

Let me make a prediction now, America will spend less on fireworks this fourth of July; A LOT LESS.

The communists in china will hee and haw, and wonder where they will get the millions of dollars they usually receive from the sale of fireworks in America. Great start friends........


I usually spend $200 or more on fireworks around this time of the year, but I will bite the bullet this year. I don’t need communist firecrackers to celebrate the freedom and blessings of America. You don’t either.

Please, refrain from financing the Red Chinese Military.

I pledge, not a penny for fireworks.
Not one red cent.
Come on, join me in this effort.

I know America, have my finger on the pulse of America, and that is why I can confidently predict record declines of purchases of red chinese fireworks. You haven’t heard of this, I predict it, and GOOD.

Just ignore the stupid msm’s (mean spirited media) take on this phenomenon. Yes the msm will have their spinmisters saying it is because of economic bad times……..HAH…..I hope you too are enjoying these economic bad times. I am. My paycheck buys more than it ever has. The President Bush tax cuts worked, and Lord pity us all when Shillary is sworn in, but we still have 2 ½ years of bliss left.

The increase in the cost of gasoline didn’t slow down my life, it just made me look for ways to stop wasting money….I consider buying hundreds of dollars of fireworks from Red china, something I can do without, and the savings will more than pay for the increase in gasoline costs.

You may have missed this comment left at Sanity’s Bluff…..some of my best writing is done in the comment section.


I linked to some of those cartoons at one of my other blogs, it is so sad that the children of islam are being raised to kill, not love. And since the decedant WEST has decided to abort millions of babies, the muslim world could swamp our world with warriors at any time.Europe has less than a decade to reverse the trend that I see. Europe needs millions of workers for it's factories so they beg muslims to come work. We have our own problem, and leave our borders wide open, so that our factories can find workers. The amount of illegals we need to keep this nation working is exactly equal to then number of babies the donkeycrats have aborted, killed. Oh I know the elephantcrats abort babies too, but it is the donkeycrats that block all efforts to stop the killing or young Americans. As Ann Coulter says….it is a religion, the religion without a God.Our American Family Tree is not branching out. It is being chopped down by liberal think. I admit I am part of the child is a small contribution, I love her, but there should have been 6 or 7 little webloafer's growing up to love America. No one wants to talk about this problem. I'm sorry America. And there is nothing I can do to rectify the problem. Once a baby is killed, a void is opened. We don’t need a fence on the borders, we need to stop killing babies that would grow up loving America. So in place of the baby girls and boys we kill, we need workers. Ah…one big problem, the replacement workers we have to have…..have no allegiance to America, none at all. They refuse to learn our language, customs or history……all they want is our money, and they will soon have all of it, while we stand around with a dumbfounded look….”What happened?”You know what I enjoy......? There is a family dear to my family that is Christian, Patriotic and Large. One husband and wife have given America several Marines, and lots of hard workers.I will not be sending any money to Red China this year...for fireworks. I plead with everyone else to quit supporting the Red China Military Machine.No firecrackers..I may stop by one of those small firework stands that the Boy Scouts run and ask for information as to how I can help the Boy Scouts without supplying my nations enemies with more weapons.I suspect there are many more who are of the same mind in America.It does seem stupid to celebrate the date of our independence by sending money to our enemies......And I love fireworks, but enough is enough.
June 24, 2006


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