Here is a short clip of a press conference in Amman, Jordan.
Want more punishment for your ears? Here is over 7 minutes of ONE PRESS CONFERENCE OF THE MESSI AH, THE MESSIUH..UH…UH
Now for Dave Letterman’s UHCount
This man is not only a world class schizophrenic, liar and arrogant boob, he stumbles over the English language more than George W. Without a teleprompter and a speech written for him, he sounds stupid. George W. could run circles around him in a debate without notes or teleprompter. You see, George W. has values and beliefs. Obama has handlers and speech writers, but if ever anyone fit the description of ‘empty suit’ Obama does. Thanks O for making George Bush sound intelligent.
It is painful to watch this and realize this man may be our next president.
Here is the 26 minutes of arrogance Obama spewed out in Germany. If you have the constitution to watch all of this, take special note of all the times he puts down America.
When you hear loud rancous drunken reveling, it will be after one of his putdowns of America.
They were correct when they told me that hard work would never kill me. Yet, they didn't tell me how to get my health back after I could no longer work hard and had to retire.