Old truckers//Old trucks
I have found a cause, a cause I care about, a cause I know something about and a cause I can do something about.
The cause you ask? Safety on USofA's roads.
Taxpayer paid for roads, expensive road, and safe roads.
Well our roads were safe thirty five years ago, but it is no longer true. People who see nothing wrong with crossing our nations borders ILLEGALLY, don't bother obeying any other of my countries laws, when they get here. Most states have laws that require insurance for all vehicles, and laws against driving drunk. Think the war in Iraq is expensive, and a bloodbath........? Our nations highways are more dangerous than the highways in Iraq. The government tries it best to hid the fact that people are being killed daily by illegal aliens....trespassers I call them. I will take up the cause of making our roads safer, someone else will have to deal with the child molesters, rapists and gangbangers that felt free to waltz into our nation, since no one locked the door.
I am an American Truck Driver who wants the roads our school buses travel upon to be safe. King George W. doesn't give a whiff about you or the children of yours on those school buses. I can’t say much about my cause, but it is a noble cause, and requires some backbone. Wish I could tell you more, I can’t.
I want the highways and byways of the USofA I love....to be SAFE.
My truck driving days are almost over; but my Eagle/Hawk eyes have noticed more and more Illegal Truck Drivers. Yes, you guessed it, unlicensed, unregulated, unwashed and UNSAFE TRUCK DRIVERS UPON THE ROADS YOU AND I DRIVE, A GIFT FROM MEXICO......THANKS TO KING GEORGE W. AND THE BOYS.
The cause you ask? Safety on USofA's roads.
Taxpayer paid for roads, expensive road, and safe roads.
Well our roads were safe thirty five years ago, but it is no longer true. People who see nothing wrong with crossing our nations borders ILLEGALLY, don't bother obeying any other of my countries laws, when they get here. Most states have laws that require insurance for all vehicles, and laws against driving drunk. Think the war in Iraq is expensive, and a bloodbath........? Our nations highways are more dangerous than the highways in Iraq. The government tries it best to hid the fact that people are being killed daily by illegal aliens....trespassers I call them. I will take up the cause of making our roads safer, someone else will have to deal with the child molesters, rapists and gangbangers that felt free to waltz into our nation, since no one locked the door.
I am an American Truck Driver who wants the roads our school buses travel upon to be safe. King George W. doesn't give a whiff about you or the children of yours on those school buses. I can’t say much about my cause, but it is a noble cause, and requires some backbone. Wish I could tell you more, I can’t.
I want the highways and byways of the USofA I love....to be SAFE.
My truck driving days are almost over; but my Eagle/Hawk eyes have noticed more and more Illegal Truck Drivers. Yes, you guessed it, unlicensed, unregulated, unwashed and UNSAFE TRUCK DRIVERS UPON THE ROADS YOU AND I DRIVE, A GIFT FROM MEXICO......THANKS TO KING GEORGE W. AND THE BOYS.
Of course the picture is overdramitization, but here is the point. Unsafe trucks are crossing our borders from the south, each and everyday. The drivers may not have slept for days, may be high on heroin or, have diabetes, high blood pressure, or any one of a thousand possibilities all of which bring you more trouble on the road.
See anything alarming in the above picture? A truck like this may be passing the bus your daughter is riding to school in, a truck from Mexico. King George has opened up our borders to anyone and anything. Oh, the question…..if you cannot see the tire about to blow…..I just hope you or someone you know is not killed by this jalopy from the south.
Wonder No More
I used to wonder what happened to the used up trucks. Worn out by hauling loads over mountains and plains in the good ole USofA. I researched the subject and found out something interesting, frightening and unstoppable. They are bought by trucking firms in Mexico, paint is slapped on them, and then they are ready for the highways of the USofA again. King George and his minions have released those worn out trucks onto the highways of the USofA. The same roads with the mom and 4 kids in a mini-van traveling to soccer practice.Two Old Truckers