Text to my supposed Representative, The Honorable Dennis Moore, Who thrives on taxpayers taxes.
Get back Jack.....
Here is the text of that email
Here is the text of that email
Congressman Dennis Moore
Honorable Sir:
While you were voting against 85% of your district on ROLL CALL 485…Friday of this week…..in D.C…….I was busy wondering what America would be like without special places for lawbreakers?
Yes…..you voted against slapping the hands of governments who openly allow people to break FEDERAL LAW….BRAG ABOUT IT….AND THE SENIOR CITIZENS HAVE TO PAY FOR IT.
Sir, how about turning your home into a sanctuary for lawbreakers??????
Yeah, some of the ILLEGALS can manicure your yard,
and you don’t have to worry about the drunken illegals driving on the streets of my city,
the ones without insurance
(why would they bother with that law when they have never had to obey the laws of MY COUNTRY??????????????????)
Enjoy your last year in the offices of corruption…..
US citizens of AMERICA……Johnson, Miami, Douglas and Wyandotte Counties……will not allow you to ignore our biggest problem and concern….. I promise you that!
You can always change your mind about who you serve…..isn’t it about time you served the LEGAL CITIZENS? Sincerely,
Honorable Sir:
While you were voting against 85% of your district on ROLL CALL 485…Friday of this week…..in D.C…….I was busy wondering what America would be like without special places for lawbreakers?
Yes…..you voted against slapping the hands of governments who openly allow people to break FEDERAL LAW….BRAG ABOUT IT….AND THE SENIOR CITIZENS HAVE TO PAY FOR IT.
Sir, how about turning your home into a sanctuary for lawbreakers??????
Yeah, some of the ILLEGALS can manicure your yard,
and you don’t have to worry about the drunken illegals driving on the streets of my city,
the ones without insurance
(why would they bother with that law when they have never had to obey the laws of MY COUNTRY??????????????????)
Enjoy your last year in the offices of corruption…..
US citizens of AMERICA……Johnson, Miami, Douglas and Wyandotte Counties……will not allow you to ignore our biggest problem and concern….. I promise you that!
You can always change your mind about who you serve…..isn’t it about time you served the LEGAL CITIZENS? Sincerely,