Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Sometimes the truth is hard to swallow

Doing research for a blog article I plan to write, I came across your blog, and noticed you are also a concerned citizen. I too am worried about all of the battles our medical and scientific communities have fought and triumphed over, and now here comes more communicable diseases, brought to your family and mine by the do nothing politicians, and the 30,000, 000 lazy government employees who cannot be fired, so they don’t have to work hard, that this nation’s taxpayers must support. The ones that allow anyone, terrorist, poor person or drug dealer free access to America.

Here comes the diseases of yesterday via our invisible sovereignty, yes, here it comes again. TB, smallpox, dysentery, polio, and many other diseases we have conquered, only to have the hordes of mexico invade our nation with these same diseases. And the hard fact to swallow is that the American taxpayer has shelled out billions of dollars to third world nations like mexico to vaccinate, educate and be a good neighbor. The money was not spent on what we gave it for, it was pocketed by the criminals of mexico City, and they are laughing at us now, because those political criminals like what is happening.

The ruling class of mexico hasn’t the will, intelligence or desire to cure disease; they are too busy taking the USofA for everything they can.

An illegal invader working in one of the meat processing plants in Omaha, Nebraska will work for $4 or $5 less an hour than an American worker, and he or she has taken a job from a citizen. No, they are not doing the jobs Americans won’t do, they are doing jobs for wages that no American would work for. Have you ever looked closely at the reasons the invaders will work for wages no real American would? NO, I DOUBT IT.

The workers of America want to live in a home, not a commune or crash pad of criminals. The workers of America spend money on dishwashing soap, hot water, ‘Tide’ and underwear. They spend lots of money on soap and hygiene products.

Don’t argue….you don’t know anything about the illegal invaders, I do, I have spent a lot of time in situations where I can observe the invaders. The invaders are doing the jobs they undercut the Americans for, and they are filthy people. And it is not that they cannot afford to buy soap, shampoo, toilet paper and hot water, it is not needed while they suck all the money out of our economy they can. They love to spit on the sidewalks you walk upon, and if no one at the McDonalds is looking they love to spit on your 99 cent burger.

Yes they have taken a job from a person who washes their hands before handling someone else’s food, and doesn’t relieve themselves on the floor in the restrooms of the meatpacking plants. I know what I am talking about. You don’t, so your reaction to my factual observations is nothing, I’ve been in the meat processing plants, not as a worker, but in a capacity that allowed me to look around at the invaders processing your food. I have spent many hours in food processing plants in the last twenty five years, and you won’t believe me, but that doesn’t make the truth a lie.

More is at stake here, mexico is using America for its jail.

Wouldn’t it be great if we didn’t have to spend billions of dollars keeping perverts, rapists, murderers and thieves locked up? Again, mexico is using the USofA for a prison. If you are arrested for a sex crime in mexico, one of two things will happen. If you raped, sodomized or violated a child, wife or mother of one of the ruling class, you die, no trial, no burial either, you just disappear.

Yet those that prey upon the citizenry, if they are arrested because of community demand, they are left alive and, taken care of in a different manner. No they don’t have to go to trial……the military of mexico is called upon to transport the perverts to their new jail…..America….A jail without bars…..they are told never to return to mexico. and WALLA! It becomes the American taxpayers nightmare.

I know any idiot reading this will discount what I say. Your refusal to believe doen’t makes the truth disappear.

Where is our government?

Where do my taxes go?

Does anyone love America anymore?

Keep up the good work, wish I had more time to read and write about the issues of today, but I have to work my 55 hours a week to pay for the invaders health care, and they are making us all sick.

Illegal aliens are not in America to make it better, they are here to take advantage of the liberal dribble....hey I like that brain bomb.

Those of us that love America have our work cut out for us....

We must take back our country, and show the invaders the door to go back and try it legally. We all will welcome you to our nation, if you take a health screen, and have a sponsor.

I know many have read to the end of this rant, but it is real, and I love the dirty invaders as much as I love my gay French friends, we are all in this together, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have the right to demand my invader friends wash their hands after a bowel break at a meat processing plant.

I expect names, brands, hatred and stupidity thrown my way for telling it like it is. No problem.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Duck and Cover

Duck and Cover

Yes, the world is going insane and the return of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, is eminent. But that is no excuse to run to the closet and duck, or as they taught me in the late ‘50’s and early ‘60’s; Duck and Cover!

In school we were taught how to “get under the desk and assume a fetal position” We had drills, lots of them, random drills.

Here is how the drill went down..a klaxton would sound and wherever we were, we had to duck and cover.

I hated those drills, and the one thing that I remember most vividly from those cold war years, was the klaxtons ringing and knowing I had to get under my desk and I would have to see a sight that frightened me more than the Russians.

That school year I was sitting close to Roy W-------. His desk was in front of mine to the right. I dreaded the drills because once again I would have to see the bottom of Roy’s desk where he stuck the bugers he was constantly picking from his nose and planting on the bottom of his desk. No matter how hard I tried, it was impossible not to look at the brownish green dried up bugers on Roy’s desk bottom.

Some memories are burned into our consciousness and we cannot erase them. I can close my eyes and rerun the mental movie of a jet airliner flying into the World Trade Center. You can too, I know you can. That tragic image will never be erased from my memory. Sure the mean spirited media will never show those images of what our enemies did on Sept, 11, 2001 again; So what? A lot of us remember.

The msm will not show the pictures of death and destruction in New York City, Washington D.C or PA, because it may cause us to wish ill upon the Islamic Nazis that they love so much.

I don’t watch TV, so I missed the CBS lovefest with Mike Wallace and Satan.

But webloafer read the transcript, that was enough for me. The msm devoted one hour to an attempt to humanize a bloodthirsty perverted killer. That same killer who publicly shouts that, “After all Jews are pushed into the Mediterranean Sea and drowned, You, America are next.” Nice guy isn't he, or at least Mike Wallace thought so.

Mike and all his cohorts of the mean spirited media won’t spend one minute saying something nice about our nation or our nations president. Someone, something is sick, and it isn’t me or our president.

If given a chance, our msm would ignore the facts of Americas greatness, after all they HATE BUSH, that is all that matters to the malcontents and traitors of the modern demoscat. But even in the attempt to paint America bad, they expose Americas goodness.
They are so unskilled at presenting news, and their bias, forgeries and photoshopping is turning more and more people away from the MSM and the demoscats……yes, demoscats. As in scat when there is a battle, send the rapists of the UN in, and sit back and drink in the accolades of the Euopeans who have needed America to keep them fat and sassy. Europeons are a lot like our nations 'demoscats'……..retreat, give up or run away, and berate those that stand up and fight.

Europe loves freedom, but they can’t continue living free very much longer. Mark my words, it won’t be long before Europe is begging for America’s help, This time when they beg for Americas help, let’s say NO, like Nancy Reagan taught us.....just say no.…Sorry, we are fresh out of help for cowards and commies.
When the islamanazi’s are sneaking into Paris, (islam never marches, it slithers and sneaks) don’t bother asking for help…….America is just about out of blood to shed for the ungrateful, and unworthy.

No, I cannot delete the image of those bugers on the desk bottom at Junction Grade School, 1955. Want to hear something funny? The boy who had the buger fetish, Roy W------became a successful Kansas politician and I became what I am, a truck driver. I never told the voter’s about the bugers on Roy’s desk bottom.

Civil Defense? Do you think you have any hope of civil defense today? Not by this government, not a chance. This government is busy nitpicking, backstabbing, slandering and lying. Our best youths are being thrown into a battle we won’t win. Oh we could have won the war on terror before Oct. 11, 2001, but we had no guts.
We could win the war still, we simply must replace
Medina with a shiny sheet of glass, Pull out of the middle east with Tehran vaporized, Damascus on fire, and no more American youth shedding blood for ungrateful people. Yes, if I had been president, or someone like that neighbor of mine, Harry Simpson Truman, the war would have been over.
We won’t win this war because of our nations journalists and public school teachers. They have too much power, and they use it to confuse the typical sheepal of today. Oh that sluggard who cannot think about any thing but sports, movies or debauchery, knows nothing about history, and there are no lessons worth learning from the pop culture of today. There is not much virtue, virility or vitality left in the USofA today. Our best, our finest, our bravest and our most decent are being shipped off to war. They are the best trained protectors in the world and in history, but they have no one defending them at home. I am sick and tired of waiting for President Bush to demand attention,
(you know how someone clears their throat before they say something they want no one to miss, when will we have a leader stand up say.... “ATTENTION, LISTEN UP CITIZENS AND THE WORLD”) and telling the world, STOP AIDING AND ABETTING TERRORISM ‘OR ELSE’.

Mr. Bush, there are USofA Marines who were victorious in a 10 hour battle against those that want us dead, in and around Haddita, Iraq, who are now in a military brig, having done nothing except battle our enemies.

While we are busy building mosques on our military bases to prove our tolerance, our enemies are studying maps, airline schedules and information about the USofA, with the goal of killing us. Stand up Mr. Bush, you started to be manly last week, but you have backed down once again, and are cowtowing to the terrorists. Our nations enemies all believe the same religious book, the Koran. Islam is not a peaceful religion, and because you have said that over and over again, you have sealed the fate of any Republican in this next election……They will lose, the Democrats will win, and the USofA, will cease to exist as we know and love it today.

Yes some of our finest are rotting in cells in the very land that they went off to war to protect, while Mr. Bush applauds the scumbags that want us dead. Oh don’t get me wrong, I know what the Democrats will bring to bear on the USofA, when they get back the power they crave, yes what they will bring about will be ten times worse than the tragedy of today. Any Marine that would re-up when Hillary becomes commander in chief, would be an imposter in a Marine uniform. About those Marines locked away for battling the enemy, the only evidence that exists, is the word of Iraqi witnesses, which in my mind means liars and unworthy. I am going out on a limb now, and suggesting that we waste no more American or coalition blood on Iraq. It isn’t worth it. It was a noble dream, but reality is this, Iraq is not worth shedding blood for. They don’t want democracy and wouldn’t know what to do with it if we could bleed enough to bring it to them.

Ultimatum stupid, give our enemies an ultimatum. If you ain’t smart enough to know what to say to the world Mr. Bush, step aside and let Hillary tackle the islamanazi problem. LOL, lol, LOL.

Hillary (who loathes the military) commander in chief?

Yes I think it is time to turn the reins of this great nation over to someone who doesn’t have a clue about how much danger the USofA faces today, wouldn’t know what to do if the terrorist’s were able to strike our homeland again, and couldn’t lead a nation this great in any direction other than the slavery of communism. Hillary is a socialist, and will be our next president.

Our nation is slipping further and further into the sewer of sensual selfishness, and when a good man stands up to face our nations enemies, HE IS HATED.

The whole world is teetering on the brink of destruction, and Nero is fiddling while Rome (USofA) burns. You say I’m crazy…..but think…..do you feel safer today now that a carter appointed judge has declared that we no longer can use our intelligence community to fight terrorism?

Don’t you want more judical judgements that tie the hands of our warriors? Isn't it comforting to know that unelected elitist judges in black robes will be making the decisions about how we can fight terrorism and the killers of islam?

That should make us safer, shouldn’t it?

Remember when senator reid of Nevada gleefully announced that the “patriot act is dead”, and the roomful of demoscats cheered?

This question could also be asked?

The next terror attack on America has been planned, and is being set into motion by the Islamafacists, even while you read this,(they talk to each other by telephones) shouldn’t we be listening if we know two terrorists are on the phone?

Our constitution is not a death pact, neither is it a suicide pact.

No, it is not a suicide pact, and all of the blood, sweat and tears our forefathers gave so willingly, is being replaced by ‘hatred, deceit and greed’. That is all that our nation’s elite seem to be able to spare for America’s future.

Think about it, about 40% of the voting citizenry of the USofA, HATES GEORGE BUSH MORE THAN THEY LOVE AMERICA.

I call that 40%....... ‘Freedoms Cancer’

To be born, to immigrate, or even to be an uninvited guest in America and be openly aiding and abetting the ones who want all American’s dead….is more than treason.

Folks, the last battle is near, which side are you on?

I wrote a song a long time that looms like an anvil over my conscience. Even though I knew what was going on, I didn’t spread the news, I didn’t try to stop communism, fascism or liberalism.

Sanity’s Bluff

Walked my mind to sanity’s bluff,
Screaming, “of this world, I’ve had enough”,
Ever since they taught me how to read,
I’ve heard of hatred, deceit and greed.

Let myself be written into that plot,
“But I’ll erase it, just as sure as not”
I screamed in anger……………………….

Here is a little anger 2006 style
You idiots…….you seem more concerned about rights than life. “my civil rights, you spout”, but no one has rights when they are dead. I’m sick and tired of those who Hate Bush more than they love America.

When the next attack comes, remember where the aclu lawyers live. I will.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

War is Hell

From the onset of NATO aggression against our country up to 24 April 1999, the North Atlantic Alliance made over 10,000 criminal attacks against the territory of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. In air strikes were used:
806 warplanes (of which over 530 combat planes) and 206 helicopters stationed in 30 air-bases (situated in 5 states) and on 6 warships in the Adriatic sea. More than 2,500 cruise missiles were launched and over 7,000 tons of explosives were dropped.
About 1,000 civilians, including 13 children, were killed and more than 4,500 sustained serious injuries e.g.:
- in Kursumlija: 13 dead and 25 wounded; - in Pancevo: 2 dead and 4 wounded;c- in "Acak: one dead and 7 wounded; - in Kragujevac: over 120 workers were wounded during an attack on the car factory "Zastava"; - in Vranje: two dead and 23 wounded; - in Aleksinac: 12 dead and more than 40 wounded; - in Nagavac village, Orahovac municipality: 11 dead and 5 wounded; - in Pristina: 10 dead and 8 wounded; - Grdelicka gorge: 55 killed and 16 wounded; - attack on two refugee columns, with four cruise missiles, on the Djakovica-Prizren road: 75 killed and 100 wounded, of whom 26 critically; - in the village of Srbica: 10 killed, among whom 7 children; - Belgrade suburb of Batajnica: a three year old girl Milica Rakic was killed, and five civilians wounded. - in Nis: in the attack on housing flats one civilian was killed while 11 wounded; - in Pristina: in the attack on a Provisional Executive Council building in the suburb Grmija, one civilian was killed while 2 wounded; - in Djakovica: in the attack on a refugee settlement housing Serb refugees from the Republika Srpska Krajina (Croatia), 10 refugees were killed and 16 wounded; - in Belgrade: in the attack on the Radio Television of Serbia office building, 15 employees have been killed and 17 wounded;
Three million children are endangered in our country as a result of war and bombardment by NATO criminals. After these barbarian attacks hundreds of thousands citizens have been exposed to poisonous gasses which can have a lasting consequences on the health of the entire population and the environment.
After the demolition of the Petrovaradin bridge, Novi Sad and Petrovaradin were cut of water supply (600 000 citizens) since the main and city pipeline was constructed into the bridge. About one million citizens in our country are short of water supply due to the bombardment of NATO aggressors.
About 500,000 workers became jobless due to the total destruction of industrial facilities all around the country. Two million citizens have no means for living and cannot ensure the minimum for existence. Overall material damage is enormous. Preliminary estimates indicate that barbaric air strikes of the neo-fashist NATO alliance, since the beginning of the unprovoked aggression on the FR of Yugoslavia, on industrial, commercial and civil facilities and structures throughout our peace-loving country, have incurred damages in excess of 10 billion dollars. In the territory of the northern province of Vojvodine alone, damages have been estimated in excess of 3,5 billion dollars.
The road and railway networks, especially road and rail bridges, most of which were destroyed or damaged beyond repair, suffered extensive destruction. The targets of attacks were such communications as:
Among the destroyed are: The Varadin Bridge over the Danube (on 1 April 1999, The "Sloboda" (Freedom) Bridge over the Danube (on 4 April 1999), the "Zezeljov" Bridge in Novi Sad (on 5 April 1999), the bridge over the Ibar river, Biljanovac municipality (on 5 - 13 April 1999), the railway bridge on the river Lim, between Priboj and Prijepolje, near hydroelectric power station Bistrica (on 15 April 1999), the bridge over the Danube along the Beograd-Novi Sad road, near Beska, Indjija municipality (on 21 April 1999).
Among the destroyed are: The Kraljevo - Kosovo Polje rail, near Ibarska Slatina, the Belgrade - Bar rail, due to the destruction of the railway track near the village of Strbce and destruction of the bridge on the river Lim, between Priboj and Prijepolje, Railway station in Kosovo Polje, the Belgrade - Thessaloniki rail, due to the destruction of the bridge in the Grdelica gorge.
(1). Ibarska primary road, due to damages to the bridge on the Ibar river, Biljanovac municipality, and destruction of the road between Pozega and Cacak; (2). Belgrade-Zagreb highway, near Stari Banovci; (3). Traffic suspended on the Kosovska Mitrovica-Ribarici section of the Adriatic highway due to the destruction of the bridge over the Vrbacka river; (4). "Jedinstvo" bus station in Vranje sustained extensive damage; (5). "Kosmet Prevoz" transporter in Gnjilane (a hangar full of new buses); (6). Kraljevo-Raska primary road; (7). Bus station in Pristina; (8). Traffic has been suspended on the Krusevac-Pojate road due to the destruction of the bridge on the Zapadna Morava, in the village of Jasika; (9). Traffic has been suspended on the Nis-Pristina road, due to the fact that the bridge on the river Toplica, near the town of Kursumlija, has sustained heavy damage; (10). Traffic has been suspedned on the regional road Priboj - Prijepolje - Nova Varos, due to damages inflicted on the bridge "Raskrsnica" near Donja Bistrica; (11). Road maintenance company "Magistrala" in Pristina; (12). The Nis Central Bus Station; (13). The Pristina Bus Station;
4. AIRPORTS (7):
"Slatina" in Pristina; "Batajnica" and "Surcin" in Belgrade; Nis airport; "Ponikve" in Uzice; "Golubovac" in Podgorica, "Ladjevci" airport near Kraljevo; agricultural and sports airfield in Sombor.
The air strikes have so far destroyed or damaged all over the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia several thousand economic facilities and dwellings. In the Leskovac region alone, over 3,500 industrial facilities and dwellings were either destroyed or damaged.
The devastation of NATO forces was particularly manifest in Pristina, Novi Sad, Aleksinac, Djakovica, Prokuplje, Gracanica, Cuprija, etc. Housing blocks on the outskirts of Belgrade - Kijevo Knezevac, Batajnica, Jakovo, Borca, as well as the area around Pancevo, were under attack.
The NATO aggressor's attacks targeted the factories and industrial facilities which directly cater for the needs of the population, among which are:
"Galenika" drug factory in Belgrade, Industrial complex "Dvadeset Prvi Maj" in Rakovica, Machine building plant "Industrija Motora Rakovica" in Rakovica, Factory "Jugostroj" in Rakovica, Factory "Frigostroj" in Rakovica, "Lola Utva" agricultural aircraft factory in Pancevo, "Zdravlje" pharmaceutical plant in Leskovac, "Sloboda" white goods factory in Cacak, "Din" tobacco industry in Nis, "Elektronska industrija" factory in Nis, "Jastrebac" machine industry in Nis, Facilities of the "Beograd" rail company in Nis, Construction material depot "Ogrev Invest" in Nis, General merchandise depot "Kopaonik" in Nis, Production line of the tobacco factory "Nis" in Nis, "Elektrotehna" warehouse in Nis, Food storage facility "Fidelinka" in Nis, Facilities of the machine industry in Nis, Office building of the company "So Produkt" in Nis, Facilities of the pharmaceutical company "Velafarm" in Nis, "Zastava" car factory in Kragujevac, "14 Oktobar" machine factory in Krusevac, Production line of the metal factory "Metalac" in Kursumlija, "Krusik" holding corporation in Valjevo, "Ciklonizacija" in Novi Sad, "Tehnogas" in Novi Sad, "Novograp" in Novi Sad, "Gumins" in Novi Sad, "Albus" in Novi Sad, "Petar Drapsin" in Novi Sad, "Motins" in Novi Sad, "Izolacija" in Novi Sad, "Novokabel" in Novi Sad, "Istra" fittings factory in Kula, The port of Bogojevo, "Div" cigarette factory in Vranje, "Nova Jugoslavija" printers in Vranje, Furniture factor "Simpo" in Vranje, Textile industry "Jumko" in Vranje, Wood-processing complex "27. November" in Raska, Tubes factory in Urosevac, "Milan Blagojevic" chemical plant in Lucani, Plastics factory in Pristina, Cotton yarn factory in Pristina, Shock-absorber factory in Pristina, Surface coal mine "Belacevac", "Binacka Morava" hydro construction company in Gnjilane, Cigarette factory in Gnjilane, Battery factory in Gnjilane, Over 250 commercial and crafts shops in Djakovica were destroyed, "Dijana" shoe factory in Sremska Mitrovica;
2. REFINERIES AND WAREHOUSES storing liquid raw materials and chemicals intended for the oil and chemical industry, were hit in Pancevo, Novi Sad, Sombor and elsewhere, causing large contamination of soil and the air:
Fuel storage in Lipovica, which caused a great fire in the Lipovica forest (on 26 March 1999), "Beopetrol" storage in Belgrade (on 4 April 1999), "Beopetrol" storage in Bogutovac (4-24 April 1999), Fuel storage of the boiler plant in Novi Beograd (on 4 April 1999), Chemical plant "Prva Iskra" in Baric - destruction of the production line (19 April 1999), Oil Refinery in Pancevo - totally demolished (4-16 April 1999), Petrochemical industry "DP HIP PETROHEMIJA" in Pancevo - totally demolished (14-15 April 1999), Fertilizer plant "DP HIP AZOTARA" in Pancevo - totally destroyed (14-15 April 1999), "Jugopetrol" installations in Smederevo (on 4-13 April 1999), Thermo electric power station/boiler plant in Novi Sad (on 5 April 1999), Oil Refinery in Novi Sad, storage of bitumen (5 and 6 April 1999), "Jugopetrol" storage in Sombor (on 7 April 1999), Fuel storage "Naftagas promet" which is located 10 km from Sombor (5 April 1999), Naftagas warehouse between Conoplje and Kljaicevo (Sombor), "Beopetrol" fuel storage in Pristina (on 7 April 1999), Jugopetrol warehouse in Pristina (on 12 April 1999), Jugopetrol petrol station in Pristina ( on 13 April 1999), Fuel depot in Gruua, near Kragujevac;
PIK "Kopaonik" in Kursumlija, PIK "Mladost" in Gnjilane, Agricultural Complex "Malizgan" in Dolac, Agricultural Complex "Djuro Strugar" in Kula, Agricultural and food-processing plant and a cow-breeding farm with 220 milk cows "Pester", in Sjenica, has been destroyed, In forest fires caused by NATO cruise missiles and bombs over 250 hectares of forests have been burned down, several thousand hectares of fertile land, many rivers, lakes and underground waters have been polluted due to the spillage of petrochemical substances, oil spills and slicks;
NATO aviation also targeted many hospitals and health-care institutions, which have been partially damaged or totally destroyed, including Neuropsychiatric Ward "Dr. Laza Lazarevic" and Central Pharmacy of the Emergency Centre in Belgrade, "Sveti Sava" hospital in Belgrade, Army Medical Academy in Belgrade, Gynaecological Hospital and Maternity Ward of the Clinical Centre in Belgrade.
Over 2,000 schools, faculties and facilities for students and children were damaged or destroyed (over 25 faculties, 10 collages, 45 secondary and 90 elementary schools, 8 student dormitories, as well as a number of kindergartens), including:
6. TENS OF THOUSANDS PUBLIC AND HOUSING FACILITIES among which is the Radio Television of Serbia office building in Belgrade (23 April 1999)
Several thousand housing facilities damaged or destroyed, privately or State owned, across Yugoslavia - most striking examples being housing blocks in downtown Aleksinac and those near Post Office in Pristina.
7. INFRASTRUCTURE: Damages to power supply systems, water supply systems, hydroelectric power stations, power stations, telephone lines, electric power transmission lines and distribution networks and 23 TV transmitters.
1. Monastery Gracanica from 14th century (24 March - 6 April 1999);
2. Monastery Rakovica from 17th century (29 March 1999);
3. Patriarchate of Pec (1 April 1999);
4. Church in Jelasnica near Surdulica (4 April 1999);
5. Monastery of the Church of St. Juraj (built in 1714) in Petrovaradin (1 April 1999);
6. Monastery of Holy Mother (12th century) at the estuary of the Kosanica in the Toplica - territory of municipality of Kursumlija (4 April 1999);
7. Monastery of St. Nicholas (12th century) in the territory of the municipality of Kursumlija (4 April 1999);
8. Monastery of St. Archangel Gabriel in Zemun (5 April 1999);
9. Roman Catholic Church St. Antonio in Djakovica (29 March 1999);
10. Orthodox cemetery in Gnjilane (30 March 1999);
11. Monuments destroyed in Bogutovac (8 April 1999);
12. "Kadinjaca" memorial complex (8 April 1999);
13. Vojlovica monastery near Pancevo (12 April 1999);
14. Hopovo monastery, iconostasis damaged (12 April 1999);
15. Orthodox Christian cemetery in Pristina (12 April 1999);
16. Monastery church St, Archangel Michael in Rakovica (16 April 1999);
17. Orthodox church St. Marco in Belgrade (24 April 1999);
18. Russian Orthodox church Holly Trinity in Belgrade (24 April 1999);
1. Severe damage to the roof structure of the Fortress of Petrovaradin (1 April 1999);
2. Heavy damage to "Tabacki bridge", four centuries old, in Djakovica (5 April 1999);
3. Substantial damage to the building in Stara Carsija (Old street) in Djakovica (5 April 1999);
4. Destroyed archives housed in one of the Government buildings in Belgrade (3 April 1999);
5. Memorial complex in Gucevo (Loznica);
6. Memorial complex "Sumarice" in Kragujevac;
7. Vojvodina Museum in Novi Sad;
8. Old Military Barracks in Kragujevac - under the protection of the state (16 April 1999);
9. Memorial complex Crveni Krst in Nis (21 April 1999);