Sometimes the truth is hard to swallow
Doing research for a blog article I plan to write, I came across your blog, and noticed you are also a concerned citizen. I too am worried about all of the battles our medical and scientific communities have fought and triumphed over, and now here comes more communicable diseases, brought to your family and mine by the do nothing politicians, and the 30,000, 000 lazy government employees who cannot be fired, so they don’t have to work hard, that this nation’s taxpayers must support. The ones that allow anyone, terrorist, poor person or drug dealer free access to America.
Here comes the diseases of yesterday via our invisible sovereignty, yes, here it comes again. TB, smallpox, dysentery, polio, and many other diseases we have conquered, only to have the hordes of mexico invade our nation with these same diseases. And the hard fact to swallow is that the American taxpayer has shelled out billions of dollars to third world nations like mexico to vaccinate, educate and be a good neighbor. The money was not spent on what we gave it for, it was pocketed by the criminals of mexico City, and they are laughing at us now, because those political criminals like what is happening.
The ruling class of mexico hasn’t the will, intelligence or desire to cure disease; they are too busy taking the USofA for everything they can.
An illegal invader working in one of the meat processing plants in Omaha, Nebraska will work for $4 or $5 less an hour than an American worker, and he or she has taken a job from a citizen. No, they are not doing the jobs Americans won’t do, they are doing jobs for wages that no American would work for. Have you ever looked closely at the reasons the invaders will work for wages no real American would? NO, I DOUBT IT.
The workers of America want to live in a home, not a commune or crash pad of criminals. The workers of America spend money on dishwashing soap, hot water, ‘Tide’ and underwear. They spend lots of money on soap and hygiene products.
Don’t argue….you don’t know anything about the illegal invaders, I do, I have spent a lot of time in situations where I can observe the invaders. The invaders are doing the jobs they undercut the Americans for, and they are filthy people. And it is not that they cannot afford to buy soap, shampoo, toilet paper and hot water, it is not needed while they suck all the money out of our economy they can. They love to spit on the sidewalks you walk upon, and if no one at the McDonalds is looking they love to spit on your 99 cent burger.
Yes they have taken a job from a person who washes their hands before handling someone else’s food, and doesn’t relieve themselves on the floor in the restrooms of the meatpacking plants. I know what I am talking about. You don’t, so your reaction to my factual observations is nothing, I’ve been in the meat processing plants, not as a worker, but in a capacity that allowed me to look around at the invaders processing your food. I have spent many hours in food processing plants in the last twenty five years, and you won’t believe me, but that doesn’t make the truth a lie.
More is at stake here, mexico is using America for its jail.
Wouldn’t it be great if we didn’t have to spend billions of dollars keeping perverts, rapists, murderers and thieves locked up? Again, mexico is using the USofA for a prison. If you are arrested for a sex crime in mexico, one of two things will happen. If you raped, sodomized or violated a child, wife or mother of one of the ruling class, you die, no trial, no burial either, you just disappear.
Yet those that prey upon the citizenry, if they are arrested because of community demand, they are left alive and, taken care of in a different manner. No they don’t have to go to trial……the military of mexico is called upon to transport the perverts to their new jail…..America….A jail without bars…..they are told never to return to mexico. and WALLA! It becomes the American taxpayers nightmare.
I know any idiot reading this will discount what I say. Your refusal to believe doen’t makes the truth disappear.
Where is our government?
Where do my taxes go?
Does anyone love America anymore?
Keep up the good work, wish I had more time to read and write about the issues of today, but I have to work my 55 hours a week to pay for the invaders health care, and they are making us all sick.
Illegal aliens are not in America to make it better, they are here to take advantage of the liberal dribble....hey I like that brain bomb.
Those of us that love America have our work cut out for us....
We must take back our country, and show the invaders the door to go back and try it legally. We all will welcome you to our nation, if you take a health screen, and have a sponsor.
I know many have read to the end of this rant, but it is real, and I love the dirty invaders as much as I love my gay French friends, we are all in this together, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have the right to demand my invader friends wash their hands after a bowel break at a meat processing plant.
I expect names, brands, hatred and stupidity thrown my way for telling it like it is. No problem.
Here comes the diseases of yesterday via our invisible sovereignty, yes, here it comes again. TB, smallpox, dysentery, polio, and many other diseases we have conquered, only to have the hordes of mexico invade our nation with these same diseases. And the hard fact to swallow is that the American taxpayer has shelled out billions of dollars to third world nations like mexico to vaccinate, educate and be a good neighbor. The money was not spent on what we gave it for, it was pocketed by the criminals of mexico City, and they are laughing at us now, because those political criminals like what is happening.
The ruling class of mexico hasn’t the will, intelligence or desire to cure disease; they are too busy taking the USofA for everything they can.
An illegal invader working in one of the meat processing plants in Omaha, Nebraska will work for $4 or $5 less an hour than an American worker, and he or she has taken a job from a citizen. No, they are not doing the jobs Americans won’t do, they are doing jobs for wages that no American would work for. Have you ever looked closely at the reasons the invaders will work for wages no real American would? NO, I DOUBT IT.
The workers of America want to live in a home, not a commune or crash pad of criminals. The workers of America spend money on dishwashing soap, hot water, ‘Tide’ and underwear. They spend lots of money on soap and hygiene products.
Don’t argue….you don’t know anything about the illegal invaders, I do, I have spent a lot of time in situations where I can observe the invaders. The invaders are doing the jobs they undercut the Americans for, and they are filthy people. And it is not that they cannot afford to buy soap, shampoo, toilet paper and hot water, it is not needed while they suck all the money out of our economy they can. They love to spit on the sidewalks you walk upon, and if no one at the McDonalds is looking they love to spit on your 99 cent burger.
Yes they have taken a job from a person who washes their hands before handling someone else’s food, and doesn’t relieve themselves on the floor in the restrooms of the meatpacking plants. I know what I am talking about. You don’t, so your reaction to my factual observations is nothing, I’ve been in the meat processing plants, not as a worker, but in a capacity that allowed me to look around at the invaders processing your food. I have spent many hours in food processing plants in the last twenty five years, and you won’t believe me, but that doesn’t make the truth a lie.
More is at stake here, mexico is using America for its jail.
Wouldn’t it be great if we didn’t have to spend billions of dollars keeping perverts, rapists, murderers and thieves locked up? Again, mexico is using the USofA for a prison. If you are arrested for a sex crime in mexico, one of two things will happen. If you raped, sodomized or violated a child, wife or mother of one of the ruling class, you die, no trial, no burial either, you just disappear.
Yet those that prey upon the citizenry, if they are arrested because of community demand, they are left alive and, taken care of in a different manner. No they don’t have to go to trial……the military of mexico is called upon to transport the perverts to their new jail…..America….A jail without bars…..they are told never to return to mexico. and WALLA! It becomes the American taxpayers nightmare.
I know any idiot reading this will discount what I say. Your refusal to believe doen’t makes the truth disappear.
Where is our government?
Where do my taxes go?
Does anyone love America anymore?
Keep up the good work, wish I had more time to read and write about the issues of today, but I have to work my 55 hours a week to pay for the invaders health care, and they are making us all sick.
Illegal aliens are not in America to make it better, they are here to take advantage of the liberal dribble....hey I like that brain bomb.
Those of us that love America have our work cut out for us....
We must take back our country, and show the invaders the door to go back and try it legally. We all will welcome you to our nation, if you take a health screen, and have a sponsor.
I know many have read to the end of this rant, but it is real, and I love the dirty invaders as much as I love my gay French friends, we are all in this together, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have the right to demand my invader friends wash their hands after a bowel break at a meat processing plant.
I expect names, brands, hatred and stupidity thrown my way for telling it like it is. No problem.